
The popularity of new energy-saving windows and doors curtain wall market


According to statistics, the proportion of building energy accounted for nearly 40% of national energy consumption . In China more than 400 million square meters of existing buildings , there are more than 90% belong to the high energy-consuming buildings. In these high-energy buildings , the doors and windows of energy accounted for nearly 50%. Therefore, the key to building energy saving windows and doors . Adopt new energy-saving windows and doors curtain wall, curtain wall windows and existing buildings for energy saving , is the objective requirement of China's energy situation and also current market development trend.

With the energy policy orderly and continuous implementation of energy efficiency standards , building energy-saving
stone coated metal roofing tile products are more and more real estate developers and consumers attention. In recent years, energy saving windows, doors and curtain walls use ratio is gradually improving ; saving aluminum doors and windows , fiberglass saving windows and doors , aluminum clad windows and doors and a large number of new environmentally friendly energy-saving products are constantly emerging.

Thermal insulation windows and doors by chasing sticks

In Fenestration , many companies introduced improved insulated aluminum windows and doors of the bridge by visitors alike. These energy-efficient products through windows and doors design, selection of high-performance insulation materials, as well as energy-saving glass to achieve the maximum energy saving and environmental protection.

With the rapid development of the real estate industry , the direction toward the development of high- quality residential consumers increasingly become the focus of attention . As part of building coat , windows, curtain walls in high-end residential played an important role. Requirements for high-end residential , companies have introduced aluminum composite wood , aluminum clad wood , wood clad aluminum , wood door and window products. These products are characterized by strong grain texture and beautiful appearance . Unique warmth of natural wood feel and excellent durability of wooden doors and windows to make some builders and developers to become the first choice .

Low-E insulating glass market is broad

Insulating glass has outstanding insulation properties , is to improve the energy efficiency of an important material for windows and doors . With the continuous improvement of energy efficiency standards , ordinary insulating glass has been unable to fully meet the technical requirements of energy-saving design . At this time , Low-E insulating glass which has a low heat transfer coefficient , low radiation characteristics superior energy-saving products on homeopathy and birth.

Previous single-glazed windows and doors are used , such a conventional float clear glass for solar radiation and infrared radiation blocking effect is not valid . Winter , single glass window is the heat loss of the heating load about 30% to 50 % in summer , due to solar radiation heat through the glass window of a single injection of the cold room and consume about 20% of air conditioning load 30% . Therefore, energy-saving windows and doors , glass doors and windows first energy-saving . Enhanced thermal insulation glazing performance, reduce energy consumption, improve the quality and increase the indoor thermal environment an important part of building energy efficiency standards .

Low-E glass with its excellent optical properties of the hollow glass thermal energy savings has been a huge leap forward. Low-E glass all over the world , the average annual consumption reached 120 million square meters . European part of the country is legislation to encourage the use Low-E glass ; Industry Association of Japan and the United States have taken certain measures to encourage greater Low-E glass penetration . In China's construction industry , Low-E insulating glass applications are also in rapid development momentum . Yaohua produced by the online Low-E series and by the CSG , Yaopi production line Low-E products have been in practical applications to achieve a good energy saving effect. With the concept of sustainable development and the gradual deepening awareness of building energy-saving , high-performance insulating glass products will be constantly developed and have a more broad market prospects .

New plastic windows and doors still much to accomplish

New plastic doors and windows with good insulation, heat insulation , sound insulation, moisture and other properties for our vast geographical hot in summer and cold in winter . Analysis of the industry , energy performance plastic materials will become prominent industrial investment.

In Europe , North America and other regions, plastic doors and windows with a high market share. In China, for various reasons, the development of plastic window was in a slump, market acceptance is low. As the plastic doors and windows industry foundation is good, broad market prospects and still much investors alike. Rich source of raw materials of plastic doors and windows can be an alternative to traditional wood, steel and other building materials in recent years been widely used in the construction market . We have found that more and more companies began to focus on plastic window and door profiles development, increase the quality of the plastic window in the development and implementation efforts, aimed to seize opportunities in emerging markets, energy-efficient buildings , and further plastic window products in the market share. The three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia and other places, more than 40% of new homes have used the plastic doors and windows ; Qingdao and Dalian in new residential , plastic doors and windows application volume reached more than 80% .

Based on " Twelfth Five-Year Plan" , China will promote energy-saving plastic universal application profiles , the huge market potential for the development of the industry of plastic window profiles absorb more investment. Our energy reduction work in depth , is conducive to enhancing the market share of the new plastic windows and doors .

stone coated metal roofing tile Future energy saving market how to do that ?

In the national government frequently introduced new building energy efficiency policies favorable situation, building windows and doors industry to speed up scientific and technological innovation , the pace of product upgrades , a large number of energy-saving new product after another , they will promote construction windows and doors industry and downstream industry chain to develop. Although the windows and doors industry, the situation is excellent, but there are some issues still need attention.

First, enterprises should develop in line with market demand, namely, the production of all-weather products , taking into account cost-effective. Weather products means the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions our vast geographical requirements of the doors and windows products , both to meet the northern winter heat and summer heat requirements , while maintaining the southern coastal areas against sea water corrosion and sunlight standards. Cost question refers to how to get more products into the new energy-saving windows and doors is currently still living in the old house where the ordinary people at home . So , energy saving products in order to further ordinary people.


