
Steel City is not short off-season demand continues to increase late


Traditional " golden nine silver ten " season start is not ideal. Since the beginning of September , the market price gradually moved downstream channel, falling prices , which makes the high expectations placed on the market outlook businesses disappointed. However, this market has not as the weather turns cooler and the turnaround , but continues today. Up to now , the private galvanized price cuts have totaled around $ 200 , while the large steel coated products , although subject to higher costs and tight resources support , or is not great, but fell 30-50 . As businesses feel the moment that the haze like the weather - dismal gloom . And the situation appears mainly due to the following two reasons:

stone coated steel roofing tile is not short off-season demand for consumption at a later stage

The reason for the " busy season" phenomenon, one important reason is that the demand side in the early being consumed. 7-8 months from the market point of view, this is the off-season market has been rising continuously, trading atmosphere is also more active. Resulting in a business-to- market "golden nine silver ten" high expectations , resulting in a bad case of shipments continued , businesses cut prices to stimulate take delivery mode of operation, but this operation did not play a significant increase in shipments effect.

2 steel prices vary, the cost of supporting efforts failed to continue to enhance

Since the 12th of this month began , the mainstream steel price policy gradually introduced in October , but the steel price adjustment policies vary, the overall trend in the stable. Rose 100 yuan Baosteel , Wuhan Iron flat, flat Anshan , Benxi prices were flat , but canceled the order concessions, Panzhihua remain unchanged. Price adjustment policies from these mills can be seen mills lack confidence in the market outlook , take a more in line with market bid policy . Steel prices are expected next month, will continue to remain stable based.
stone coated steel roofing tile

It is now late September , the business is faced with the pressure of repayment and repayment , so let price promotions will continue this mode of operation , together with the end of this month in the third quarter , banks face quarterly assessment , so late to Bank loans will be more difficult to big , which will enable businesses restrict inventory to ship-based, but also increased the prices of difficulty. In addition, according to the relevant agencies to statistics, in August China's crude steel production was 63.3 million tons , an increase of 12.8 percent , the highest since November 2012 since the first double-digit monthly growth record . This shows that China's steel production capacity is still too high. While the demand perspective , we expect the market demand is difficult to improve during the year . Imbalance between supply and demand situation will remain , the market prices still weak. But taking into account the business for October is expected to better market price or situation can occur rose slightly , but the increase is not too large.

By stone coated steel roofing tile

