
Doors electricity supplier: "front shop" mode or to improve the situation

Explosive development platform has been formed and the impact of the situation on Forced offline , traditional companies do not start the next balancing online and offline channels must be behind the times and missed opportunities for business development and business expansion in the future of the territory of the golden decade. CHINA MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER

At this stage, the development of wood industry , e-commerce is no longer strange , and now the doors of businesses on the way into the electricity supplier has been exploring , of which there are examples of successful, but more of a bumpy road electricity supplier .

Price competition becomes a vicious cycle electricity supplier

Today, almost all of the goods can be sold online , doors dealers are also just around the corner , his agent took photos on the doors of the Internet . Each move in the online agents have expanded their sales so , seems to have become the agents . However , this also caused confusion price transparency and price system . Meanwhile, the online agency , Nanchang , Wuhan doors sold , they might harm the vital interests of Wuhan agents , would inevitably lead to dissatisfaction. CHINA MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER

In the course of the service agents , the doors of businesses also found potentially huge market online consumer population . However , if the company sold online doors , will harm the interests of dealers ; If you do not sell , the sales market in turn ceded to others. Thus , three solutions have emerged : First , companies launch a network designed for products; sales of similar products of its three separate brands ; secondly, Potter processing export products . CHINA STONE VENEER

Network with low sales and hot, but the doors of the homogenization of serious , making the competition quickly to the lowest stage of the competition . In the network marketing products and trade products specifically for businesses unable to provide showrooms for consumers in the market , making it truly experience the superiority of the product , so consumers can choose homogeneous products carry the cheapest doors try buying . The addition of the brand enterprises to compete with their own equal , dilemma.

In this case , the doors of the operating costs of e-commerce team established companies have been rising . Business e-commerce team in general in the city CBD office , labor costs are relatively high. Therefore, the doors enterprise e-commerce looks beautiful , but the profit is very low. Most companies are not therefore benefit , has become a drag on business. CHINA STONE VENEER

" Front shop " mode or to improve the situation

Doors of businesses after years of e-commerce development , it seems none to the consumer , but in fact , the high logistics costs and office costs, and did not allow consumers to enjoy many benefits. Moreover, this competition still further. When consumers increasingly heavy burden upset to learn that the cost of products and channels to bring in on the purchase of e-commerce transaction process, they have been reluctant to distributors, dealers pay the cost for the channel , will gradually without willing to pay for e-commerce logistics costs . Doors of businesses will be faced with a double embarrassment traditional channels and electricity supplier channels .

In this case , a large " front shop , warehouse sales " model emerged. In the vicinity of large cities 100 km range , the doors of businesses local procurement of raw materials , local processing , then sold to the consumer has a huge capacity of 600 million urban consumer groups. This " front shop " consumer demands have emerged , the doors of corporate challenges and opportunities are followed. Let e-commerce as " front shop " mode service, so that the original dealer after-sales service performed , may be the next best way to survive the doors of businesses .

Xiao Bian Message : No one can deny the electricity supplier will be a trend, but the electricity supplier and never will be unique , it is interspersed with traditional business and there must be mutual . The explosive growth of new industries will experience in early stages of development , there will be repeated and twists and turns. Electricity supplier of the road wood industry , and without haste , with their electricity supplier model depth of continuous improvement and the industry , the road will gradually clear.

