
On the wall insulation materials in China the evolution of its system

The foreign wall insulation scale the world's largest domestic market polystyrene board, extruded polystyrene board, polystyrene insulation mortar, the expansive glass beads, rock wool, foam glass, polyurethane, phenolic and other insulation products, each insulation products all have their own performance characteristics.
After 20 years of development, China's external wall insulation technology standard has improved steadily,
Manufactured Stone Veneer a large number of professional and technical personnel and well-known companies come to the fore, technology promotion and application level has been rapid development.
 As the third step of the target of 65% of building energy efficiency standards gradually expand, the general insulation products are increasingly difficult to adapt to the requirements of the development of this energy-saving standards. Powder particles of polystyrene insulation mortar due to its own shortcomings, has been banned in some provinces and cities to use. Insulation thickness in the cold weather and cold regions, the EPS board and similar thickness of insulation materials for thermal insulation performance has reached more than 100mm insulation layer is too thick for the safety and reliability of the insulation system (surface material formed shear torque will increase) have certain risks.
March wood flooring sales season in the past month, has also been introduced in April sales data, then the wood flooring market in May 51's, driven in turn how change and development? Next we will summary Industrial timber market wood-based panels market in March and April, May flooring market, preliminary inference.
Plywood: the slow take the goods, prices stabilize
March the plywood sales season is over, the plywood market has stabilized, sales into a sideways trend. Overall, trading volume in April compared to March and no significant rise. It is understood that, Blockboard, melamine board market demand slightly enlarged; birch plywood sales turns cold, shipping in general; oriented strand board (OSB) market acceptance is not high, take the goods more slowly.
Price, according to the quote, the price is basically no change to stabilize. The dealer said that April, began to decline because of market demand, plywood prices rose again the possibility of not; May is the traditional market off-season, the price may decline. , Specifications 1220mm × 2440mm × 3% (thickness) of the joint venture poplar plywood price 24-31 yuan / Zhang; 15-18 yuan / Zhang, of the same specifications made mahogany plywood offer 12% thick offer 52-65 yuan / Zhang .
Decorative panel: the market is good, price is not changed
Learned from Industrial timber plywood market traders, April decorative panel shipments increased, the market performance is better than in March; shipping still mainly concentrated in 3mm thick, the volume larger main varieties of red oak and water song Liu. However, businesses also said, the Qingming holiday and long rainy weather earlier this month caused some negative impact on the market turnover of the atmosphere. Price from the current quoted market prices has not been a big adjustment, overall stabilized. 1220mm x 2440mm, 3 mm thick beech wood veneer offer 38-45 yuan / Zhang, 4mm thick offer 85 yuan / Zhang; same specifications, 3mm thick pear decorative panels offer 92-125 yuan / Zhang.
MDF: larger sales price in May
April MDF sales continue to enlarge, the chain has been rising in March, inventory has been effectively release. Prices, according to dealers, raw materials and other operating costs rose, but because of the status of operation of the market, the prices of MDF ring than March did not change. Industrial timber market traders, however, said that next month (May) will enter the traditional off-season, MDF prices will be adjusted decline.
Manufactured Stone Veneer Specifications for 1245mm × 2465mm × 18mm (thickness) imported green E1 grade MDF offer 160-170 yuan / Zhang, 15mm thick offer 134-145 yuan / Zhang.
 Although the raw materials not fully reflect the sales of the wood floor itself, but from a certain extent, a direct response to the current needs and market conditions of the wood flooring. From the above data we can see that in recent months, wood flooring market is relatively stable, and in continuous improvement.

