
How to choose the wood of the more common decoration in the market?

Now on the market wooden decorative materials common to a variety of wood-based panels, artificial decorative panels, assembled and Mouldings wood floors.
(A) of wood-based panels wood-based panels is the use of wood, wood fiber, wood and scrap or other plant fiber as raw materials, adhesives and other additives made of sheet metal.
stone coated metal roofing tile Main varieties of wood-based panels, veneer, plywood, block board, fiberboard and particleboard.
 Plywood: plywood by more than three veneer glue, consists of broad-leaved wood glue a combined board and softwood plywood glue two.
Fiberboard: Fiberboard is wood, bamboo or other crops stems and other plant fibers from the processing of wood-based panels. The fiberboard by nature divided into the hardness fiberboard, semi-hardboard and soft fiberboard three.
Particleboard: Particleboard, also known as particle board, wood scrap as raw materials, glue material is applied, additive thin plate collectively by repression, by pressing method can be divided into extrusion particleboard, platen particleboard two.
Blockboard: core board with wooden mosaic, the two surfaces of a solid sheet of stickers wood veneer, commonly known as Daixinban.
Broken wood: wood processing corners more than expected, by shredding, drying, hanging glue, heat and pressure.
Wood wool board: also known as Manley board, the use of wood scraps, wire machine planing poplar soaked after a chemical solution, and then blended cement, into the molding pressure, freezing, drying.
(B) artificial veneer artificial decorative panels include decorative thin wood veneer and lacquer architectural decoration board. Decorative thin wood veneer is a new decorative materials. It is the use of valuable tree species, such as teak, ash, willow wood by precision sliced ​​into thin chips, plywood as the substrate, the use of advanced adhesives and adhesive process is made. Architectural panels of lacquer is endemic to China decorative plates. It is based on our unique paint applied to a variety of timber grass-roots made above.
(C) With solid wood flooring With solid wood flooring is ash, oak, walnut, teak and other fine wood, after drying, processing a strip wood. They can be composed of a nice pattern after assembly.
(D) Mouldings Mouldings is the choice of hard, smaller wood, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, does not split, cut surface light processing nature, paint color is good, good adhesion, strong pinned wood plants, After a drying treatment, mechanical processing or manual processing. Mouldings including the ceiling line, ceiling moldings.
Red sandalwood wood to a variety of hardwood is the most dense, the heaviest weight of wood, wood grain is not obvious. Rosewood shavings on white wine, shavings will immediately be broken down into pink, and the formation of more viscous jelly and wine, dumped together into line. This is an effective method of identification Rosewood, Rosewood Origin mainly in India, China's Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places also produced. The red sandalwood is a genus of leguminous, there are about 15 species, prolific in the tropics. Two approaches. Red sandalwood, commonly known as lobular Tan; rose wood, commonly known as big leaf sandalwood. Lobular Tan few aniseed, material diameter less than 20 cm, and then will be hollow and can not be used, sandalwood lobular pattern is not obvious, dark purple color, dark paint, there is almost no texture. Is generally believed that China's imports from Africa Rosewood Qiang??? Wood, the big leaf sandalwood. Big leaf sandalwood coarse texture, lighter in color and more. Polished wood line, brown eyes.
On the market so-called red sandalwood, ten, nine African rosewood, big leaf sandalwood! India lobular red sandalwood, new color red colors bring the hand gradually become darker. And African rosewood than, purple pattern, oily quit African rosewood is a dead black, not shiny, crude fiber, drying shrinkage after a lot of ox hair pattern. "Ox hair pattern" is actually a contraction of different body does not , the gap caused by big leaf sandalwood is the new Tan, the lobular old Tan!
Due to the new Tan imports more and more limited, prices turned up year by year, the appreciation potential is great!
Value Analysis
Sandalwood is a generic term, like mahogany (including white wood and Rosewood) is also known as a lot of countries sandalwood also known as red sandalwood, of course, including Indian Rosewood Ming Royal dedicated tribute to officialdom an important figure (Wei Zhongxian is one example, the right to invade the ruling and opposition parties, many people did he become a patron or buying and when) red sandalwood.
Second, we identify Rosewood, India lobular red sandalwood, also known as chicken blood red sandalwood is the most valuable timber far as we know, is the most advanced Rosewood.
Third, the current market Suzhou Shanghai "often" engraved "blood Tan fine", or sandalwood erhu piano, in fact, more than 90% of African ebony posing.
, Of African sandalwood and chicken blood red sandalwood both material quality difference is very large, the value of the cost of blood sandalwood 1/4 to 1/6, the production of musical instruments quality equivalent to the new material and old mahogany (Rosewood ) levels, and blood Tan should not be equated.
Sandalwood for long green Yaqiao of wood, five six feet high, leaves, fronds, Huadee shaped, winged fruit wood is very strong, into the water that Shen Ming Dynasty, Rosewood Royal valued large-scale felling of domestic sandalwood short time within the lighting with and went to Nanyang generation called procurement, but in fact predatory. aniseed a space, to the Qing Dynasty, capable of harvesting rosewood are mostly small material at this stage, under the lack of supply, red sandalwood wood has been guanjia collection turned over. civil and rare red sandalwood furniture spread until after the mid-Qing Dynasty, basically Rosewood has nearly extinct. the erhu used Indian Rosewood but in reality 10 years ago on the border of Yunnan reproduce, 
stone coated metal roofing tile so far such material has not been aniseed, there is a lack of supply so have African blood wood to take on behalf of more than 15 kinds of according to records sandalwood class wood. minutes produced in the world, including Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia. Southeast material, especially the texture of India the best, but in front of the outline of record on Indian Rosewood sandalwood trees are tall, fast growing number Description Rosewood slow growth, with the second half of the non-centuries shall not become useful seems to conflict Department.

