
Ceramic industry is facing difficulties to break through a thorny issue

How do you see the current big change in the ceramic industry? Current industry big changes can be "gridlock" and "Breakthrough" two words to summarize. What difficulties or trouble?, I think, should I describe the current plight of the ceramics industry? I think the aforementioned message "ceramic enterprises collective price increases," the news had already been written, and the so-called plight mainly in:
The first is the shortage of resources led to raw materials continue to rise. I recently heard on June 3, China Nonferrous Metals Association Gao Hafnium Branch Seminar to be held in Hainan on Gao hafnium ceramic industry important strategic resource extraction and use to start discussions, some of Foshan ceramics industry heavyweights will be invited to attend. stone coated steel roofing tile
The second dilemma is that energy shortages. Current industry oil prices have risen to more than 3,000 yuan a ton. Scarcity of resources is the future of China bondage important factor in development, as a resource-based ceramic industry is no exception, recent news reports found in the Tangshan area reserves of 10 billion tons of large oil fields, even the Premier are excited to sleep well. stone coated steel roofing tile
The third dilemma is the continuing decline in the export tax rebate. 13% by the early to today's 8% and 5%, we should say zero is to be expected. Recently held in Fuzhou Ceramics Branch of Chinese Ceramic Society conference on 2007, Fujian Dehua Ceramics dedicated to former deputy governor led to the Beijing Development and Reform Commission on the special comments. Dehua Ceramics is designed to do, the vast majority of exports, the state has lowered the export tax rebate rate of the industry is facing a crisis of survival. stone coated steel roofing tile
The fourth dilemma is the rise in labor costs. As the ceramic industry, the wages of the workers on the line in the past, and now not only talk wages, but also about welfare. I remember last year's "Tao City News" also reported that such a news: Nanchuang a home business because of poor sanitary conditions of the canteen to make a million dollars in order to fly. stone coated steel roofing tile The reason this happened is because developed countries generally require companies as SA8000, SA8000, but off if suppliers, do not want to take orders. Including our country - are now the emphasis on harmonious society, universal attention on labor relations, making use of corporate labor costs increased significantly. Especially people who were born after the 1980s generally demanding work environment, value human care, which greatly increased the company's overall cost. stone coated steel roofing tile
The above four difficulties, both belong to Foshan ceramics, also belong to the ceramic. Since the ceramic industry in trouble, break became inevitable move. What is an inevitable move? I understand this: We are often concerned about the media if the financial reports, or been involved in the industrial economy, then we know: There are two nouns economic circles, one called "depression effect", one called "birds economy. " "Depression effect" is explained capital from disadvantaged areas to the advantage of regional resources, the transfer of economic laws, like "water flows downwards with the flow." Capital from disadvantaged areas to the advantage of regional resources gathered, on the edge region forming a so-called "depression effect." Ceramic enterprise survival and development of resources, including raw materials, fuel, labor, land prices and in other aspects. stone coated steel roofing tile Capital from resource conditions in disadvantaged areas to the resource advantages of geographic mobility in the process conditions can be described as a migratory economic phenomenon. In a market economy environment, all businesses by nature are migratory birds, profit-driven nature of the enterprise, which determines it to be migratory birds. Taiwan-funded enterprises in particular, their migratory habits worse. For example, the early Taiwan-funded enterprises gathered in the Pearl River Delta, Dongguan, Zhongshan, since the beginning of reform and opening up, here's a good resource advantages, land, low labor costs, and later transferred to the Taiwan-funded enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, Suzhou and other places. Taiwan-funded enterprises in the development process, particularly around the investment will make use of differences in conditions and earn revenue resources, as they are always kept as migratory birds. stone coated steel roofing tile
From "depression benefit" and "birds economy" perspective, I think the transfer of Foshan ceramics is an inevitable trend. Foshan With the new term of the party last year, the government set up, the entire industrial policy with the new changes, can almost be described as "Foshan New Deal" of such a concept. I think "Foshan New Deal" There are two main connotations: the first is special emphasis on the interface between Guangzhou and Foshan, which is the Guangzhou-Foshan integration; another special strength of environmental governance, which includes Tao City News and many other media reported, the city's main leaders repeatedly stressed that "hundreds of billions of rather less value, but also the city is also a blue sky." stone coated steel roofing tile It is in this new context, will the phenomenon "Foshan ceramics factory water gas more than 100 projects have been halted," the news. Just Dr. Yin Hong also mentioned, from a professional point of view, water gas technology itself is very mature, explosion dead should be individual accidents, is the company's safety management, safety training, safety awareness and staff quality problems. I think this time the Foshan municipal government halted water gas projects, with some degree of irreversibility. Because of the large environment has undergone fundamental changes, Foshan specific industrial environment has undergone fundamental changes. Ceramic Industry Association, Guangdong Province, South China University recently organized experts and professors research, Foshan Ceramic Industry Association may organize experts to communicate with government officials, but I think ultimately will not make this communication events reversed. stone coated steel roofing tile Or a few days ago, held in Fuzhou silicon will Ceramics Branch 2007 work conference, South China University of Technology Professor Zeng Lingke made to silicon in the second half will be held in China Ceramics Branch Ceramic Technology Development Conference to engage in a forum, experts and government officials in a dialogue on the feasibility of water-gas project to discuss issues. There are experts on the spot has taught at the conference on the idea expressed misgivings that the dialogue in this sensitive period is a thankless thing. I basically agree with the opinions of experts. This time, Foshan, one size fits all approach might disable the water gas may be some repeatedly, but the rigid target cut water gas certainly has some environmental standards for SMEs find it difficult to enter the blacklist is an inevitable thing. Change in the situation of Foshan ceramics industry will thus kicked off. stone coated steel roofing tile
Secondly, I believe that the marginal effect of industrial clusters from the perspective of Foshan ceramic enterprises shift also has inevitability. I agree with Dr. Yin just say, now is a good time for the transfer of industries.
From the perspective of the marginal effect. I think in the early marginal effect of Foshan ceramics industry cluster is incremented, the same enterprise, supporting businesses together, it can scale of operation, resulting in intensive effect. With the increase in the marginal effect of industrial clusters showed a decreasing trend. Foshan ceramics industry to make a template, with the continuous development of industrial clusters, the biggest problem is concentrated pollution. "Tao City News" Today's newspapers have Ounuo Te Group boss Martin workers personally wrote a manuscript "industry forum Fission new layout" for the ceramic industry cluster concentrated pollution problems, Martin workers proposed industrial cluster layout A + X for the new model. stone coated steel roofing tile
I remember the early years of Professor Chen Fan also put forward the idea of ​​economic circle ring ceramic Foshan environmental capacity to solve problems. According to his idea, the first core part of the ring finger, mainly in Foshan Chancheng; second ring finger except Foshan Chancheng large areas outside; Foshan third ring finger outside large range of products, including the World areas. The contents of a ceramic ring logistics, exhibition, information, commerce, innovation and research, and high-tech and high added value parts; Ring establishing high profile products and industries upstream products such as ceramic machinery, color glaze production base; tricyclic including the low-end of the scale of production enterprises, OEM business as well as material supply companies, such as raw materials, fuel and so on. stone coated steel roofing tile
There is still a homogeneous cluster management, plagiarism lead to business innovation power weakened and other defects. Because you can copy, imitate, leading the development of small business is easy, and large enterprises because of vicious competition because of the price war dragged down, difficult to grow. Industry, large enterprises small, market concentration is not high, resulting in the industry's ability to control the terminal market is poor, pricing power is low. stone coated steel roofing tile Do not sell products from companies will not be able to form a virtuous accumulation, there is no accumulation of benign and sustainable development of stamina into question. So I think, whether it is June 1 for the final results of how price increases, but at least can be considered under the austerity policies, the ceramic industry, especially mainstream ceramic enterprises once rational consciousness. 

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