
How the doors of businesses in the majority of three or four markets accounted for a place

With the improvement of people's living standards and consumption capacity enhancement, the doors of the market in rural areas gradually get attention. The doors of businesses already close to saturation in the expansion of a second-tier cities, while in the rural market is still blank.stone coated steel roofing tile As market competition continues to upgrade and breakthroughs, the future of rural will be eager to open up the doors of businesses key markets. So, how can the majority of three or four markets accounted for a place?

A second-tier wooden corporate brand positioning in the high-end, developing the rural market in the brand above face two key issues: First, the worry will give high brand image caused damage, a thankless task: First, the end of the relevant preferential agricultural policy, whether should withdraw from the third and fourth-tier markets. Once you have decided to participate in the competition of the rural market, would certainly have invested considerable material resources and financial resources, suddenly out of the market at the end of the policy, this is a huge waste is a serious mistake. Primary doors of businesses should be reasonably designed brand architecture, the introduction of the 34 market-oriented sub-brand, the formation of the endorsed brand brand architecture. This way can the full development of the sub-brand brand personality to make it closer to the third and fourth-tier markets, but also to avoid the damage of the original brand, corporate brand together form a powerful force.
So take it, three or four markets, it is necessary to start from market research. According to the survey results show that many small towns not spectacular, but live hundreds of millions of consumers with spending power, they are important opportunities for development in the next decade, but multinational companies and most of the domestic production of consumer durables The companies also have ignored this market. In fact, total household income of these small towns have been about 50 higher than the sum of the first-and second-tier cities, but in the next 20 years, more than 35,000 families in the small town middle-aged income each year will increase by 7.6 million, more than the rate of urban growth fast.
And in the 34 regions, the doors of the market is not fully developed, the market share of the main doors of the regional brand occupy. Even some of the edge of town, the doors of businesses never set foot in the market utilization of the brand doors to zero. The third and fourth-tier markets, lower economic level, the spending power is relatively small, the low purchasing power of consumers, but the market is enormous, and has great market potential. Meanwhile, the industry market practices than large cities, the doors of the cost of sales is much lower than the first-tier market. More the main thirty-four region less affected by the national macro-control policies and financial crisis, vested interests relatively stable.
Three or four markets doors competition is very complex, regional doors of businesses everywhere, their own way. Brand doors want to enter the market, the need to understand the situation, the adjustment of product sales strategy, preparing for the long-term campaign of.
Three or four markets price elasticity, but does not mean that consumers only pay attention to the price, do not care about brand. In fact, three or four markets consumers shopping irrational, they are easier to follow the trend of buying them even more than urban consumers too proud. In the logic of their prices, they are more willing to buy the brand, and show off their dream life brand. A second-tier wooden door enterprises should be clever integration of the existing strengths of the brand, the development of efficient communication strategies. Limited to three or four markets media status quo, outdoor and transit advertising effect will be better.
In short, brand doors to enter the third and fourth-tier markets, in conjunction with their own brand characteristics,stone coated steel roofing tile strengthen regional characteristics. Can not be mechanically copying a second-tier market sales model, not high brand superiority, your visit to the market, to strengthen the association with the local market and avoid product strategy out of the market.

Development of the market will not happen overnight, there will be immediate results, so be fully prepared to fight positional warfare preparation. At the same time as the decision-makers need to develop long-term development plans and milestones, at every step, the development of new markets to consolidate the existing market share, improve the utilization of market share.

