
Housing leakage how waterproof exterior patch whether anti-leakage

Accompanied by friends before Mr. Xu four showings showings see many houses were more or less the wall of water seepage, some cell you can see the walls of the houses are different shades to play a lot of patches. In early April, forum users like to tell us a new disc submitted seepage wall, which suddenly caused a great deal of attention. Seems to be the house leaks, seepage is not a new thing, and new tray submitted and leaking again the quality of the housing marked with a big question mark. Subsequently, Xiao Bian visited the "sticking plaster" Netizen's more part of the real estate field view. stone coated steel roofing tile
No longer have the facade, wall full of "sticky"
Walked into a cell, Xiao Bian will see the rise of the walls of various two-dimensional code area, most of which are in the east wall and north wall, especially unobstructed east sets. In a single building, near a window, especially bay window, water seepage, leakage situation is even more serious.
The owners' reaction when buying a house, you looked at this cell is also good, facades, residential environment are good, did not expect to live in only a few years, it has been like this wall "patch "Watching is not comfortable, just like living in an old house.
External wall the patch interior wall mold, the owners repeatedly reflected difficult to resolve
In the interview, many tenants are mentioned, in fact, be regarded as one of the most obvious problem for the performance of the housing quality problems, the problem of water seepage also allow owners to worry about one of the issues. "You think, ah, like moldy pieces nest in the corner, who can stand it." Mr. Zhang took us went to the edge of the living room, patches of mildew wall near the baseboard look filthy, " Mildew small. "said Mr. Zhang, opened the sofa against the wall, this wall is simply unsightly wall dirty bear has lost a great piece of stucco, seepage water mildew stay , Mr. Zhang is a large area with tape wrapped in a layer behind the sofa, "if it does not wrap sofa has also long been eaten away."
When a reporter asked not to repair the property, he seemed very excited, "to reflect how many times do not know, each time saying that will be sent immediately to repair, but never to the point of view through the inside of my house on the wall, I saw painted something, has no effect, but now it elsewhere moldy.
"Seepage", "patch" scratchy eyes renting, selling Nanshang Nan
Looked everywhere Mildew previous showings Hsu ultimately did not buy their favorite house "other look came good, whether it is residential environment or the location or size, kind of satisfaction, but looking at the wall obvious surface water stains, and my heart is always uncomfortable. "
Intermediaries that the vast majority of cell wall water seepage problems exist, rent and sellers have caused a lot of trouble, a customer saw several a house, and finally fancy size, price, residential satisfaction house, last look at the scene, and the corners to see some signs of seepage near the baseboard see some mildew, dissatisfied, fierce counter-offer, and eventually there was no transaction.
"Patch" was originally a waterproof glue to eradicate the costs
The understanding urination learned most of this patch are transparent waterproof plastic, waterproof rubber began to brush up, bluish or whitish, dry appear to be transparent, but the brush over the place will look more vivid or color a little deeper, especially in a distance, looks like a block patch. stone coated steel roofing tile
Now for the solution of the external walls of water seepage is probably two, the first is a larger area of ​​water seepage outside the wall to knock it down, re-make waterproof inside, and then re-paste the outside wall, this method is relatively the cost is relatively large. The second method is also commonly used by real estate companies, is coated with the above-mentioned transparent waterproof plastic, the maintenance of this method is not long, responsible real estate company from time to time (about a year) re- painted again. Friends mentioned the the patch room "ugly argument, the solution is more waterproof glue brush area bigger, better play of both the effect of water, it's also nice.

The Curtain knowledge that we should be aware of

The curtains in the room in an eye-catching position determines the expression of a room, so in a sense, also reflects the owner's quality of life and fun. In fact, in addition to the decorative features, curtain material, function, comfort level is also closely related to health.stone coated metal roofing tile
From the material points, curtains, cotton, linen, gauze, satin, flocking, bamboo, man-made fibers. Cotton, hemp is commonly used information curtains, easy to wash and replacement, suitable for bedroom; gauze curtain decorative strong, can enhance the sense of depth in the room, good light transmission, suitable for use in the living room, balcony; silk, planting fine texture of velvet curtains, luxury gorgeous shading effect of noise are good, but the price is relatively high; clear bamboo texture, lighting effects, and wear, moisture, mildew, do not fade, suitable for the living room and balcony; rayon curtains hard, easy to wash and durable, good shade; blinds more popular choice, you can touch the blade is smooth, there is no flash, and then the curtain flat attempting to pull, look at the open flexible, and finally turn the adjusting lever , check whether the leaves flip freely. In addition, some wooden curtain using adhesive, likely to cause indoor pollution, there are children, the elderly or pregnant women to be carefully chosen.
People buy curtains, usually considered decorative, in fact, should pay more attention to the following aspects:

Noise abatement measures. The study indicated, When the indoor continue to voice contamination up to 30 decibels, it will interfere with normal sleep. Therefore, the choice of a curtain of sound-absorbing effect is critical, texture flocking, cotton, hemp, better. In general, the thicker the curtains absorbing effect better, good quality curtains can be reduced from 10% to 20% of outside noise.
Shading. If you want a comfortable sleep in the daytime nap, it is best to select a shading effect curtains, cotton or flocked fabric for the bedroom. The study, the restaurant generally do not need too light, you can choose blinds, in order to adjust the light.
Keep warm. Winter, curtains need to be considered warm, flocking curtain fabric is thick, warm and good. According to interior designer, all colors, dark red and warm, suitable for winter use.stone coated steel roofing tile
Regulate mood. If the curtain color is too deep, long period of time makes the person feel depression; color is too bright nor good, some newlyweds like bright colors, but over time, will cause visual fatigue, make people feel irritable. In fact, no harm to complicated to simple, light green, light blue natural, fresh color, make people feel good; easy to sleep, you can try a choice of red, with black curtains, helps to sleep as soon as possible.

Radiant floor heating definitions

Radiant floor heating is a temperature no higher than 60 ° C hot water circulating embedded in the floor under the coil system, heating the entire floor evenly through the ground a heating mode of the heat radiation to the interior.
Radiant floor heating is not a mystery, as early as 1300 BC, Turkey royal palace there is a radiant floor heating prototype, 80 BC, the famous Roman bathroom radiant floor heating in the form of "Tierra" Northeast China used since the kang is also applied the principle of radiant floor heating  stone coated metal roofing tile
The 1930s, Mr. Wright, the famous American architectural design master design works with a radiant floor heating, greatly promoted the application of floor heating, but the brass was only used as a heating coil, only expensive and corrosion leakage due to higher maintenance costs, resulting in radiant floor heating applications are a lot of restrictions.
Until the late 1960s, anti-aging, high temperature, high pressure, the pliable plastic pipe into the practical application, this situation has been changed before. Cheap, buried under ground interface, the inner wall of the tube is not easy to scale, the emergence of long life and other advantages of plastic pipe, greatly contributed to the promotion and application of the radiant floor heating technology.
Radiant floor heating compared to traditional heating unparalleled advantages, comfort, energy saving, environmental protection, etc., in a foreign country, the technology is not only used extensively for residential and various medical institutions, swimming pool, gym, shopping malls, office buildings and other public buildings also used extensively for the plant, hangar, flower beds, soccer fields and vegetable greenhouses and building systems such as thermal insulation, even for outdoor roads, roofs, stairs, airport runways snowmelt and various industrial pipeline insulation. Developed countries in Europe and the United States more than 50% of new buildings with a radiant floor heating system.
First, the most comfortable way of heating
Chinese medicine believes that "hot start from the students, from the foot into the cold. Modern Medicine also shows that the internal organs of the human body only under appropriate temperature conditions, in order to maintain the normal physiological function. When the cold outside, the function of the body automatically adjust, in order not to heat loss in the body, hands and feet blood will return in order to maintain the desired temperature of the internal organs. When the door temperature is low, the leg portions vasoconstriction, blood flow obstruction, resulting in systemic blood circulation is not smooth, so that the human body will feel chilly. So warm first warm feet, only the feet warm, the whole body will feel warm.
The traditional method of heating the top of the room about 30 ℃, and the location of the body in which the feet is only 15 ° C or even lower. Sit a long time will feel cold feet cold legs, cold legs and feet will increase the cold leg disease, the prevalence of arthritis may be.
Radiant floor heat is the most comfortable way of heating, even indoor surface temperature, room temperature from the bottom up, with the gradual decline of a high degree increase in temperature, this temperature curve fits the physical needs of the people, giving a head cold feet warm comfort . Floor heating can promote the occupants foot blood circulation, thus improving blood circulation, promote metabolism, and improve immunity to a certain extent. In addition, the "hot head cold environment to avoid drowsy, help enhance memory, improve learning and efficiency.
Second, efficient, energy-saving, low running costs
1, you can use more than hot water, solar, geothermal and other low temperature heat source;
2, radiant floor heating systems compared with the convection heating and high thermal efficiency, heat is concentrated at the height of human benefit, indoor set temperature even than convection heating side
Low-2 to 5 ° C, and also enables people to have the same warm feeling, so the temperature difference between the heat loss is greatly reduced;
3, the heat medium low temperature transfer, heat losses in the transmission process, the thermal efficiency is high;
4, as compared with other heating methods, the energy amplitude of approximately 20%, such as the use of the partition thermostat apparatus, the energy saving rate can reach 40%.
Third, environmental protection, health, health care
Radiant floor heating heating principle for radiation thermal conductivity compared by forced convection circulating hot air heating and air conditioning, heating, etc., dust in the air flow to small, to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria in the air, more hygienic cleaning of the indoor environment is conducive to bronchitis, respiratory infections and allergic syndrome health; air convection weakened, less water loss, to overcome the traditional radiator heating caused by indoor hot flashes, dry mouth discomfort, avoid women skin due to dehydration and excessive drying .
Fourth, do not account for the use of space, equal to spend the same money to buy a bigger house
Home life, we know that we can no longer Heating pipes furniture around, this is not only a considerable amount of use of the area is not applied to determine the overall decor, but also often a great deal of trouble.
Floor heating, the interior is no longer the radiator and its branch pipe, potentially increasing 2-3% of the indoor area not only for decoration and furniture arrangement is undoubtedly save you a few thousand dollars a square meter rates for major cities the cost of tens of thousands of dollars.
, Long life, maintenance-free, safe performance, saving maintenance costs
Buried in the floor of the floor heating coil, heating operation if not man-made destruction, almost does not exist the problem of maintenance, long service life of 50 years or more, non-corrosive, non-scaling, greatly reducing the radiator ran, run, drip, water leakage and maintenance of annoyance to the tenants, saving maintenance costs.
The initial Jian low cost, sub-control, measurement, easy to manage
Radiant floor heating compared with other single-family heating method does not increase construction costs and operation and maintenance costs, the room temperature according to the needs of independent regulation and control, convenient for household heat metering and charging.
To reduce the noise floor
At present, China's floor is generally used in prefabricated or cast-in-place plate, the very poor sound insulation, people walking upstairs, affecting the downstairs floor heating insulation, has a very good sound insulation to reduce noise pollution; underfloor heating silent process, the indoor environment is quiet, no air conditioning noise, which helps children to focus on learning, thus contributing to improve learning efficiency. stone coated metal roofing tile
8, long service life
Concrete floor heating, plastic pipes buried in the ground, such as one for the destruction of life in more than 50 years, non-corrosive, non-scaling, greatly reducing the radiator run, run, drip, water leakage and maintenance to households annoyance, saving maintenance costs.


The doors of the market "Hundred Flowers" how to make various brand stand out

The wood industry is a typical consumer concern industry, the doors of the brand to get together a very serious problem, doors companies and distributors want to have a fan as in the regional market, but either I do not know how to operate the regional market, either a little action, but The harvest is minimal.
The wood industry Everyone knows that to do cell joint decoration company, however, the total effect is unsatisfactory. The door market Ouliya official pointed out that this is actually a common problem of many doors companies and distributors, marketing lack of core strategic guidance, so which is which, so the market is up and running like groping in the dark, take a lot more detours stone coated metal roofing tile
Joint Decorative channels mode
Decoration company in the face of the customer are the doors of potential target consumer group, the Joint decorative channels, but also the regional market short term to enhance the sales strong practice, the Joint decoration company mainly in two ways one is in cooperation with the decoration company, kinds of cooperation with decorative designer.
(1) collect all regional markets decorative and designer, select the the local influential brand power decoration company in accordance with the nature of the decoration company, brand influence, strength. In cooperation with these decorative directly grafted its brand power to quickly start the market.
(2), the timing of the cooperation with these decorative generally choose cell promotion for some time, at least the basis of a certain brand of brand in the industry, then the resistance of the cooperation will be greatly reduced.
(3), can be taken in cooperation with designers, decorative companies completely blocked. Designers have to choose the designers of the key decoration company director (main case), a company selected at the beginning about 2, but also extended to some other company's main designer.
(4), decoration companies and designers from point-to-line-to-face operations to complete the decoration company channels, through its centralized referral, and quickly occupied the mind of potential consumers.
District Extension mode
District Extension in the wood industry is a very important channel to promote the activities, it is the most direct-to-consumer marketing behavior of potential targets, and also important for the doors of businesses.
(1), the collection of all residential real estate in the regional market, including the old district and the new district, the district where the list to find their own brand of potential customers, in accordance with the levels of consumption. The location of the cell, the level of the grade, residents were graded, find local influence key districts, the majority of the district's residents should be opinion leaders, consumer trend of the guide, on behalf of the local consumption leading level.
(2) these key districts lasting ordered publicize and demonstrate: such as the new district, the date submitted, until renovation over, do live demonstrations and publicity; the old district to carry out the service convenience the activities, such as the doors mobile clinics to improve affinity for the brand and reputation. Focus on advocacy in carrying out these cells, but also to work for.
(3), agglomeration brand through these cells as well as in the upper echelons of these neighborhoods and potential customers word of mouth spread quickly in a short period of time to build brand awareness, to solve the problem of consumer awareness, guide the propensity to consume, a short period of time Start the market.stone coated metal roofing tile
Doors get together mainly concentrated in the building materials market or supermarket, but this does not mean that the wooden door sales is passively waiting for consumers to patronize. Because that market competition is a cognitive war, who should occupy the minds of consumers, who will become the regional market leading brands.

How the doors of businesses in the majority of three or four markets accounted for a place

With the improvement of people's living standards and consumption capacity enhancement, the doors of the market in rural areas gradually get attention. The doors of businesses already close to saturation in the expansion of a second-tier cities, while in the rural market is still blank.stone coated steel roofing tile As market competition continues to upgrade and breakthroughs, the future of rural will be eager to open up the doors of businesses key markets. So, how can the majority of three or four markets accounted for a place?

A second-tier wooden corporate brand positioning in the high-end, developing the rural market in the brand above face two key issues: First, the worry will give high brand image caused damage, a thankless task: First, the end of the relevant preferential agricultural policy, whether should withdraw from the third and fourth-tier markets. Once you have decided to participate in the competition of the rural market, would certainly have invested considerable material resources and financial resources, suddenly out of the market at the end of the policy, this is a huge waste is a serious mistake. Primary doors of businesses should be reasonably designed brand architecture, the introduction of the 34 market-oriented sub-brand, the formation of the endorsed brand brand architecture. This way can the full development of the sub-brand brand personality to make it closer to the third and fourth-tier markets, but also to avoid the damage of the original brand, corporate brand together form a powerful force.
So take it, three or four markets, it is necessary to start from market research. According to the survey results show that many small towns not spectacular, but live hundreds of millions of consumers with spending power, they are important opportunities for development in the next decade, but multinational companies and most of the domestic production of consumer durables The companies also have ignored this market. In fact, total household income of these small towns have been about 50 higher than the sum of the first-and second-tier cities, but in the next 20 years, more than 35,000 families in the small town middle-aged income each year will increase by 7.6 million, more than the rate of urban growth fast.
And in the 34 regions, the doors of the market is not fully developed, the market share of the main doors of the regional brand occupy. Even some of the edge of town, the doors of businesses never set foot in the market utilization of the brand doors to zero. The third and fourth-tier markets, lower economic level, the spending power is relatively small, the low purchasing power of consumers, but the market is enormous, and has great market potential. Meanwhile, the industry market practices than large cities, the doors of the cost of sales is much lower than the first-tier market. More the main thirty-four region less affected by the national macro-control policies and financial crisis, vested interests relatively stable.
Three or four markets doors competition is very complex, regional doors of businesses everywhere, their own way. Brand doors want to enter the market, the need to understand the situation, the adjustment of product sales strategy, preparing for the long-term campaign of.
Three or four markets price elasticity, but does not mean that consumers only pay attention to the price, do not care about brand. In fact, three or four markets consumers shopping irrational, they are easier to follow the trend of buying them even more than urban consumers too proud. In the logic of their prices, they are more willing to buy the brand, and show off their dream life brand. A second-tier wooden door enterprises should be clever integration of the existing strengths of the brand, the development of efficient communication strategies. Limited to three or four markets media status quo, outdoor and transit advertising effect will be better.
In short, brand doors to enter the third and fourth-tier markets, in conjunction with their own brand characteristics,stone coated steel roofing tile strengthen regional characteristics. Can not be mechanically copying a second-tier market sales model, not high brand superiority, your visit to the market, to strengthen the association with the local market and avoid product strategy out of the market.

Development of the market will not happen overnight, there will be immediate results, so be fully prepared to fight positional warfare preparation. At the same time as the decision-makers need to develop long-term development plans and milestones, at every step, the development of new markets to consolidate the existing market share, improve the utilization of market share.


Wood industry matured is also inseparable from the "love triangle"

At present, there are many doors of businesses for the expansion of channels, at all costs, no matter the cost, optional way to develop a reseller. Blind expansion brought a lot of drawbacks, the disputes between the companies and distributors constantly, the problem continued;Manufactured Stone Veneer such adverse effects even in small and medium-sized wooden door enterprises in the formation of culture, their wanton use a variety of think clever "means" to recruit dealers; The long-term effect, the wood industry in the formation of many unfair, so that dealers difficult to survive under the weight of the.

China wood industry from the start has been 20 years, has been initially entered the mature stage, but also can not escape from this "love triangle". The various safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in the consumer's point of view, laws and regulations, industry standards continuously refined and improved, responsibilities and obligations of companies and distributors to consumers gradually clear, the consumer economy, quality disputes have law according to; relevant national regulatory authorities and industry associations have been ignored in another important relationship: the relationship between the interests in the companies and distributors.
Cheap brand into a tasteless
I found a strange phenomenon, there are many domestic well-known brand dealers revealed do not want the idea of ​​the brand, but the delay is not willing to act, the situation is more common in the current "window dressing" brand, we generally called tasteless phenomena. Many doors of corporate brand is doing well, significant advertising in the CCTV, Satellite TV, brand awareness is indeed rather high, soft power is nothing less strong. However, in which there are a large part of the doors of businesses only re-brand product is not heavy, there is a serious internal injuries, it simply is the product quality is not, technically there is no innovation, unable to adapt to changes in consumer demand development, unable to adapt to the fierce market competition.
Into high advertising costs at the same time, these doors of businesses must rely on price war rapid earnings to achieve the purpose of the operation of the fund, over time, they left the impression of a "brand cheap" to consumers, the high rate of complaints, the profit will be low for the dealer, on the one hand, there are certain advantages of the brand, but on the other hand, featureless, low prices, poor profitability, thus forming a "tasteless but wasteful to discard" tasteless phenomenon. This revelation to our doors dealer is not simply look at the brand brand products based point of view, because the product is the fundamental brand.
Small horse cart
The mistress phenomenon, the phenomenon also known as vases, more common in small wooden door very strong businesses and capabilities between dealers. Small wooden door enterprise strength is too weak, the strength of dealers, in fact, the formation of the dealers with manufacturers in taking the situation, had expected a big hand little hand, companies with a dealer development, the reality is actually a small horse-drawn carts! Manufactured Stone Veneer In this case, many dealers are forced to will then look for a brand, so the original brand became vases, mistress. This case the surface appears to be the dealer does not, but in fact the dealer is innocent, why did he want to seek a second brand: If the first brand to bring profits? They do not directly get rid of already stated that they are The humane dealer!

The vase phenomenon dealer short-term to make money, but can not focus on the promotion of a brand, a serious shortcoming for the long-term development, so I suggested that dealers best learn a bitter lesson for a strong enterprise, willing to do the century-old brand enterprise, single-minded, so that on both sides of the companies and distributors are better.

New energy-saving windows and doors curtain wall is the trend

Relevant information, present, China's urban and rural construction of housing per year growth rate of more than 20%, the annual completion of an area of ​​2 billion square meters. Among them, both gross floor area of ​​400 million square meters, more than 95% of the high-energy buildings. The doors and windows of the energy consumption is three times that of developed countries. In the next 30 years, will build 40 billion square meters of new construction.
In recent years, the state has introduced developed a number of building energy efficiency standards, provides a strong policy support for the development of energy-saving windows and doors.Manufactured Stone Veneer Accompanied by the gradual implementation of the various building energy efficiency policies were issued throughout the building energy efficiency standards. At the same time, the proportion of Xiangfan saving windows and doors of the demand in the overall market increased significantly, partly due to consumers' awareness of environmental protection and energy saving enhancements, on the other hand from the Government to reduce taxation and other policy support, and secondly, in recent years, Xiangfan home building industry and the development of the real estate industry, consumer demand growth in the number of curtain wall at the same time, more and more requirements on the quality of the curtain wall style. Demand market.

Major Fenestration businesses started to pay attention to changes in consumer demand, innovative thinking, trying to keep up with even create a curtain wall consumer popular building energy efficiency has been firmly established, the market hot, building Fenestration energy-saving products such as aluminum composite wood doors and windows, solid wood doors and windows, the system doors and windows, Low-E glass, but also increasingly by local consumers and dealers alike.
In recent years, along with the consumer simple, comfortable life attitude again return, as well as the continuous improvement of quality of life requirements of the home environment from the past focus on price, practicality and now the pursuit of individuality, comfort, environmental protection, public consumption the increasingly rational behavior. Today, the yearning for a better home life, the relentless pursuit of high-quality home grade has become the consensus of consumers. It also evokes the local consumers desire to purchase the natural real "curtain wall products. According to the related industries responsible person said, the wood as raw material, solid wood doors, wood door to the natural texture and environmentally friendly materials and well received by consumers and favor.
Diversified and personalized
Single style of curtain wall, and indeed has become increasingly difficult to meet the needs of the of Xiangfan consumer home space. "80 will become the most mainstream consumer groups in the curtain wall market, many brands began to busy personality and show themselves" elements extracted given in the curtain wall. Relevant person in charge when it comes to the moment the curtain wall products popular style: For flexible use of space, the walls of the practical and durable, as well as space utilization to grasp, especially after 80 seriously, curtain wall can be freely combined in accordance with the needs to in full show personality, but also to meet the specific needs of different periods, if you can do to this point, is equivalent to seize the heart of a new generation of consumer groups. '
The static rigid space power has to fall not, consumers are no longer satisfied with an ordinary space, even rigid, strict work also need to use a rather pleasant and colorful environment supporting. The dull dark curtain wall gradually to an end, a wide range of white, yellow, blue, green, red and other bright colors into the mainstream. In order to cater to the 80 after the main force of the group of white-collar, more and more Curtain Wall brand began to seek a breakthrough. For example, some curtain wall manufacturers move on "to the office curtain wall change the shape of their brains, and a variety of polyhedral cutting always fight technology with multi-angle curtain wall makes them difficult to forget.
Environmentally friendly low-carbon, energy-saving inevitable trend
Today, the architectural style of the decoration is more and more diverse, the original color of the profiles is difficult to meet the needs of consumers, color profiles have emerged. Plastic doors and windows, aluminum doors and windows, wooden doors and windows, composite doors and windows, color demand significantly more prosperous colored wood grain surface color changing, color wood grain paint aluminum windows and doors is now become a popular fashion. Colored wood windows and doors of the rich and varied color styles, lined with elegant and beautiful glass doors, chilled dull "face" becomes beautiful. Bai Shun Hing official said aluminum windows and doors, wood paint spraying effect, changing color, what color, what color. "
Curtain wall material is no longer limited to the use of aluminum alloy, more material is put into use to meet the requirements of environmental protection, long life, aluminum doors and windows aluminum alloy color profiles, steel co-extruded color profiles, not only have good energy-saving, heat insulation , thermal insulation, shock, noise performance, and beautiful atmosphere, to reflect the character of the building. Recently seen in Xiangfan, a real estate project site, one after another, commercial building under construction, renderings, the color of the building is very clear, golden cornices, silver-white dado ...... curtain wall itself has become a fashion indicators of Xiangfan city . Able to meet the curtain wall of resistance to climate, water tightness, shock resistance, and many other everyday applications. One of the most able to reduce energy usage and carbon dioxide exclude significant amount of double walls and other low-carbon effect curtain wall, becoming a popular trend.
Requirements for the quality of the building itself, the pursuit of high quality, Fenestration Industry production continues to increase. The manufacturer should always be thinking about the customer's perspective to the market and the development of commodity, modular unified mass production, is the price to produce quality products available to customers, so you can always walk in front of the times. In contrast, low capital force, no manufacturers to meet the war new challenges will be phased out.
The information displayed in the completion of many of our buildings, more than 97% of high energy-consuming buildings. On this basis, it is expected that by 2020, the high energy-consuming construction area in the country will reach 70 billion square meters.Manufactured Stone Veneer Therefore, if we do not focus on building energy efficiency design will directly contributes to our energy crisis. China's more than 400 million square meters of existing buildings, more than 90% are high energy consumers. In the high-energy buildings, doors and windows energy consumption accounted for nearly half. As to industry analysts, the key to building energy efficiency energy saving windows and doors. Therefore, the use of new energy-saving curtain walls and windows, and the objective requirements of the existing building curtain walls and windows for energy saving, energy situation, will also become the inevitable trend of development of the entire market.


exterior paint durability Construction relations

1 exterior paint durability
1.1 weatherability and color retention
Decorative function is one of the important features of the exterior paint. Cultured Stone Veneer Exterior paint is long-term exposure to the outdoors, by the wind, rain and sun, after a period of time, the appearance of finishes chalking, discoloration, discoloration, loss of light and other phenomena. The weathering of high-performance exterior paint color retention requirements generally 8 ~ 10a, the equivalent of a national standard artificial accelerated aging 1000h, and its color is not greater than 2. Coating chalking, fading and discoloration and coating binders and pigments are closely linked.
(A) Binders and weatherability and color retention
The base material plays a decisive role in the performance of the paint. External finishes by ultraviolet light, the sun and the rain will progressively deterioration, which ultraviolet impact. It enables the base polymer chemical reaction and deterioration. If the emulsion polymer containing a polyethylene, polyacrylate, polymethacrylate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, poly (vinyl acetate) and poly-butadiene, etc., by ultraviolet radiation, it is prone to the main chain scission, intermolecular cross linking or degradation reactions.
So that the binder polymer for crosslinking or degradation will cause changes in coating properties: intermolecular crosslinking makes extended reduced, while the main chain will reduce the strength of the coating, eventually leading to the yellowing of the exterior paint or powder technology. Note that the base material in the preparation of high performance exterior paint should preferably therefore, select the excellent weathering resistance of the emulsion as a binder. Silicone modified acrylic emulsion and water emulsion polyurethane is the fastest growing and the most the coating binders variety of development prospects. Higher chemical bonds between the polymer molecules of these binders and special molecular structure determines they have excellent anti-aging properties, its artificial accelerated aging more than 1500h, some even up to 3000h, fully able to meet the high-performance exterior paint on Binders weatherability requirements. Of course, the emulsion weather resistance not only concerned with the varieties And it is also the size of the emulsion particles in the emulsion and emulsifying system closely related. Emulsion finer particles, the coating film formed by the more perfect, the more excellent weather resistance corresponding. Furthermore, still in the emulsion by adding a certain amount of an ultraviolet absorber, can reduce the UV damage of the coating film.
(2) pigments and weathering protection color
Paint coating by the base material polymer and the Yen (fill) material. Therefore, the types and ratio of the two kinds of main component determines the structure and physical properties of the coating film. In the coating formulation, when the pigment volume concentration (PVC) is below the critical PVC, pigment particles dispersed in the base polymer continuous phase to form the "sea - island" structure; but if the PVC exceeds the critical PVC base polymers the gaps between the pigment particles can not be completely filled with loose accumulation of pigment particles, voids therebetween, the coating scrub resistance, contamination resistance, weatherability, a sharp decline. Similar emulsion varieties, PVC is lower, the higher the gloss, weathering resistance, color retention worse. So, in the preparation of high performance exterior paint should strictly control PVC less than the critical PVC as far as possible, to ensure the integrity of the coating.
The primary role of the pigment is to make the coating film has a certain degree of opacity and show different colors, so to make the coating film has excellent weather resistance, a pigment on the need to have good hiding power and coloring power, the higher the degree of dispersion, sharp The color and light stability. The white pigment excellent weather resistance, not only their own color consistent, and can absorb large amounts of ultraviolet light, to mitigate the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on the base material or other color pigments that improve weatherability of the coating color retention. White pigment, the most widely used, and the best of rutile titanium dioxide. Color pigments, inorganic and organic pigments are used, but the coating film weathering performance considerations, the general use of inorganic pigment is more suitable. The light resistance and weather resistance of the inorganic pigments are generally superior to organic pigments, present in the exterior latex paint, the main use of the excellent weathering resistance of the iron-based pigment.
In addition, in the high-performance coated should avoid using easy powder filler, and filler has better weather and pH stability. Better application precipitated barium sulfate, quartz powder, mica and wollastonite powder.
2.2 stain resistance
China's industrial smoke, excessive dust and vehicle exhaust emissions, high dust content in the air, and less per capita green area. Therefore, high stain resistance exterior paint adapt to this special state of the environment is extremely important practical significance.
High stain resistance performance of the exterior paint is very important. Exterior paint slowly, an important reason for this is the stain resistance of the coating is not ideal, the decorative effect is short-lived. Therefore, the need to address an important issue for the high-performance exterior paint is to try to improve the coating anti-stain resistance coating of contaminated medium resilience. Coating anti-contamination and poor performance of the main reasons are: ① the coating preparation process generally required the use of emulsifiers and a variety of additives, with the passage of time, in the coating of these low molecular weight substances to be volatilized, so that the coating left in a large number of pores. The microstructure, compared with solvent-based paints, latex paints and coatings containing a large number of micropores, and the surface is relatively rough, exhibit uneven. Atmospheric dust is easily deposited under the effect of gravity which, to different degrees of covering of the coating color. When it rains, the dust along with the rain capillary action penetrated coating, evaporation of water, dust particles continue to be retained in the pores, "fatal" impact this will have on the decorative effect of the coating.
Therefore, increasing the density of the coating, hard is an important way to address contamination issues. I have developed a sol-acrylate emulsion organic-inorganic composite coatings, anti-stain determination, its reflectance decreased only about 5%, mainly due to the sol colloidal particles are relatively subtle, the particle size is generally 5 ~ 40nm, the structure after the film formation is very compact and hard, the gap is minimal, dust particles easily penetrated therebetween. Add nanoscale SiO paint can improve the hardness of the coating to dramatically improve the ability of anti-staining. ② binder, the organic polymer chain structure determines the polymer emulsion coating prone to the accumulation of static electricity, thereby generating the electrostatic adsorption, dust particles are easily adsorbed at the surface of the coating, the decorative effect of the coating, the emulsion polymer chain covalent bond (e.g. Si-O) of the introduction of some of the ionic inorganic conductive properties, can be improved to avoid electrostatic adsorption pollution of the coating. ③ Since the coating high temperature return YS, easy, dust, resulting decorative effect decreased, generally high hardness coating stain resistance, which requires a high glass transition temperature (Tg) of the emulsion, but the coating film at the same time constructability disadvantage. Cultured Stone Veneer
Strictly speaking, the paint just a semi-final purpose coating on the surfaces of buildings, buildings from the decorative and protective role. Therefore, the dry film coating after construction is finished. Coating durability play supporting construction technology have a close relationship, in order to obtain a satisfactory long-term effects of finishing, it is necessary to strictly control the construction engineering quality of the paint.
Usually due mainly out powder coating defects caused by improper construction methods of exterior paint, peeling, efflorescence, shedding. In order to avoid the emergence of these quality defects, should be strictly in accordance with the the coating construction engineering specifications for construction. For cement grassroots should pay special attention to control moisture and alkalinity. Accordance with the regulations applying emulsion paint, the moisture content shall not be greater than 10%; concrete base material curing period should be more than 28d, cement mortar plastering should be more than 14d, grassroots pH control in less than l0; surface should be cleared before construction dust, oil, etc., to maintain the cleanliness of the surface of the grass-roots level; sealing primer before coating porous substrates should be brushing a layer of latex or solution type, to avoid the suction of the substrate on the coating uneven, causing flooding.

Common problems the steel structure design

First, if there is gutter tied can not design a site close to the top of the column, otherwise may cause can not install downspouts. Another the gutter fell into the water tube and Tied column supporting the position must consider, otherwise either met Tied to or run into the column and brace. stone coated steel roofing tile
Second, the layout of the baskets bolt position on the horizontal support must be reasonable, not too far from the main beam, should be considered to facilitate the installation of the main. Otherwise, workers must be in the installation and leaned over to bolt tightening baskets or use a ladder up, either to climb purlin purlin installation after the end of tightening baskets bolts so very insecure. We would also consider knee bracing layout position, do not fight in the layout of the level of support and knee bracing.
Third, do not be one-sided to consider the tension side, compression side "factors such as hit bottom margins ranging from eyelet, because the installation is very easy to install anti results detriment purlin brace holes.
Fourth, doors and windows, wrap angle board can not be generalized, because you can not guarantee that the plate is located in the peaks or troughs of the pressure plate construction.
Do large projects, deepening Plan No. must take into account the production, delivery, installation convenience.
"Load data provided by Party must understand its real meaning, because the Party often do not understand too professional stuff. We want to achieve empathy, the preliminary work done, like to carry out the follow-up more.
7, the position of the high-strength bolts should be reasonable to consider the construction is broken, and torque wrench space, do not install, because the space is too small, broken, and torque wrench can not be in place, resulting in a high-strength bolts Plum head can not wring or high-strength bolts can not be tightened. Have come across some design and not give the position of the sleeve.
, High-strength bolts connecting plate if possible, try to use the up and down symmetry bolt arrangement. Once in contact 4 above, the following six shop workers take pretend not to accidentally engage in anti-Sorry to at the scene.
IX light steel structure maintenance brick wall, we must advance the construction unit and the civil contractor butt good, as it relates to two aspects of civil engineering and steel structures, civil engineering brick wall is likely to engage in is not straight, the color steel pan of water can not be done suddenly big suddenly small, the result is color steel and brick walls the gap suddenly big and small, and difficult to do a good job when the color plate with the brick wall of the Pan-water treatment, construction units have heart preparation.
10, anchor bolts are generally civil engineering unit buried steel structure manufacturers plot, they sometimes can anchor bolts position at 90 degrees, and other review, it was too late; dimensions deviation to offset 50 ~ 100mm no surprise. Before construction must be reminded, best tests, based on the text (self-protection).
11, wind resistance column to steel beam connections as a spring board to connect, intermediate cross girder installation Deflection large gable beams if connected with bolts and wind-resistant column, cause roofing uneven.
12 detail layout and steel beams of the roof purlins should be carefully checked, often found that the number of substandard roof purlins layout diagram detailing and steel beam purlins.
The deformation of the gusset plate 13. Gusset plate without stiffeners, and some designers did not design, leading to follow-up welding.
14, beams do Department rod connecting plate, there is no proper hole extended in some places because the Department of the rod connecting plate too long, resulting in too little space, tied too long and will not fit into. Some beam structure often this has happened.
Fifth, doing a strip window the purlin plate stiffeners toward the direction of the window, the stripe windows went to the ribs, and leaves past. In addition, as far as possible in the the stripe windows purlin installation countersunk head screws.
16, door upper the stripe windows and the door on the box is too close, not awning the position.
The 17th, sash up and down the adjacent purlin distance between the brace did a good layout, brace ends with sash conflict.
Eighteen types of steel plate and high-strength bolts as little as possible, to consider the cost of material testing. Especially off-site construction, and some on-site supervision does not recognize the factory test. You go to coordinate, right?
19th, purlin connection plate designed to try not square, reversed assembly workshop.
20, within the gutter without insulation layer, the formation of a "cold bridge" indoor produce dripping condensation phenomenon. Should be in the gutter brushing anti-condensation paint or spray polyurethane insulation layer, and also do other thermal insulation. stone coated steel roofing tile
, Roof sandwich tablet, it is estimated that within six months (if the span is slightly larger) is necessary to leaking. A check the roof panels outer layer plate Jidao the off marks, because there is no consideration of it in the sun, repeated thermal expansion and contraction. In fact, after construction (sun) to the indoor listen you know how it is.