
Waterproof Building Materials outlined how proper use

As long as there is construction work place, there must be waterproof material, waterproof coatings more species, depending on the performance of waterproof coating used in the building is a luxurious, today we describe briefly how to properly use reasonable Waterproof Building Materials?
Proper selection and rational use of building waterproof materials
Waterproof material prepared as different varieties and performance, and thus each have different strengths and weaknesses. stone coated metal roofing tile  Also each have the appropriate scope and requirements, especially to promote the use of new waterproof materials, but should grasp this side and knowledge. Proper selection and rational use of building waterproof materials, the key is to improve water quality, but also the design and construction of the premise, this should note the following:
1 material properties and characteristics
Waterproof flexible and rigid materials can be divided into two categories. Flexible waterproof material high tensile strength, elongation, mass is small, convenient construction, but the operation is more stringent technical requirements, puncture resistance and aging resistance as a rigid material. The same is a flexible material, coil for the industrial production. Thickness uniformity, quality is relatively stable, the construction process is simple, high efficiency, but the equipment lap more easily disengaged seams on complex surfaces and uneven grass difficult construction . The waterproof coating its performance and features with just the opposite. The same is the membrane, synthetic polymer membranes, polymer modified bitumen membranes and bitumen membranes also have different advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the choice of waterproof material, you must pay attention to its performance and features.
(2) building features and requirements of the external environment
In the understanding of all kinds of waterproof material properties and characteristics, the structure of the building should be based on the type of waterproof structure forms part of the external climatic conditions and the node (including temperature, humidity, rain, ultraviolet, etc.), the structural form (integral casting or fabricated) and span, roof slope, ground deformation and water-resistant layer is exposed and so decided to adapt the material. stone coated metal roofing tile
3 construction conditions and market prices
In the choice of waterproof material, you should also take into account the construction conditions and market price factors. Such as synthetic polymer waterproofing membrane can be divided into elastomers, synthetic fiber reinforced plastic body and the three categories, not only with different materials, but also a great difference in performance; while also taking into account the material of choice in the local real How to use effect; should also take into synthetic polymer waterproofing membrane with matching binder, construction techniques and other construction condition factor. In the above example waterproofing membrane made selection requirements, the same waterproof coating, sealing materials, there are many varieties, there are also a variety of technical indicators, but their selection is basically the same as described above requirements. Selection of materials in addition to the points mentioned above, beyond, should further consider the ability to adapt to the grassroots waterproof layer deformation.

by www.metal-roofing-sheet.com

