
Aluminum glass curtain wall fire regulations

Aluminum glass curtain wall when subjected to fire or heated, easily broken, and even cause a large area of ​​crushing accidents, resulting in fire spread rapidly, causing a large fire, endangering the safety of persons and property, a so-called "fire air duct." Tall buildings at home and abroad for the actual practices and aluminum curtain wall fire lessons between the glass window walls, windowsills wall site with rock wool, mineral wool, glass wool, aluminum silicate and other non-combustible material cut off. stone coated metal roofing tile
Aluminum glass curtain wall fire the general provisions, as follows:
(A) wall between the windows, windowsills wall filler material should be non-burning material. When the outer wall using fire resistance of not less than 100h of the body does not burn, it can be difficult to burn wall filler material. stone coated metal roofing tile supplier
(2) No spandrel glass curtain walls and windowsills should be set at the outer edge of each floor fire resistance of not less than 100h, height of not less than 0.8m non-burning solid skirt wall. stone coated metal roofing tile manufacturer
(3) with each floor glass walls, the gap at the wall should be used strictly infill material does not burn.
Glass is a non-regular structure of amorphous solids (from the microscopic point of view, the glass is a liquid), unlike its atomic crystals as space has long-range order in the arrangement, rather similar to the liquid that has a short-range order. Glass like a solid maintain a specific shape, unlike the liquid that flows with gravity. stone coated steel roofing tile
Glass has four basic continuity:
(1) Isotropic: the glass is no regular arrangement of atoms, the atoms in space which has a statistical uniformity. In the ideal situation, homogeneous glass, the physical and chemical properties (such as refractive index, hardness, elastic modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, etc.) is the same in all directions. stone coated steel roofing tile supplier 
(2) no fixed melting point: Glass transition from solid to liquid is a certain temperature range (i.e. softening temperature) carried out within it different from the crystalline material, there is no fixed melting point. Softening temperature range Tg ~ T1, Tg is the temperature change, T1 is the liquidus temperature, the corresponding viscosity was 10dPa · s, 10 dPa · s. stone coated steel roofing tile manufacturer
(3) the metastable nature: the glassy substance is usually obtained by rapid cooling of the melt from the molten state to the glass transition, the sharp increase in viscosity during cooling, particles too late to do a regular arrangement of crystals is formed, no release latent heat of crystallization, therefore, glassy material than the crystalline material contains a high internal energy, the energy between the molten state and the crystalline state, belonging to the metastable state. From the mechanical point of view, the glass is an unstable high-energy state, such as the presence of low energy state into a trend, that is, the crystallization tendency, so the glass is a metastable solid material.
(4) with a gradient of reversibility: the glassy material from a molten state to a solid state, the process is gradual, its physical and chemical properties of the change is also a continuous and gradual. This is significantly different from the melt crystallization process, the crystallization process is necessarily a new phase in the vicinity of the crystallization temperature, many of the properties will be mutated. The glass material from the molten state to a solid state is completed within a wide temperature range, as the temperature decreases, the molten glass viscosity increases, and finally form a solid glass, but no new phase formation process. Instead of glass melt into the heating process is gradual.

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Doors need to identify the direction of enterprise development, identify the market

Urbanization means that in addition to first-tier cities, the second and third tier cities the demand will rise sharply, which will provide sufficient space for the wood industry. Only market regulation continues, many doors of businesses for the market, "winter" speculation also persists, how to respond to the market this year, the industry generally believe that should be concerned about the rigid demand, including the first consumer to buy a house and needs to improve consumer persons. Cultured Stone Veneer
Insiders said that the country will need to invest in economic development, export-oriented steering boost domestic demand-based, the doors of this transition home industry, is a major positive, "industry will maintain steady growth this year will not be like before the outbreak growth, is not plummeted. " Cultured Stone Veneer supplier
Identify the direction
2012, many doors of businesses to accelerate into the second and third tier cities in the pace of the country frequently have opened new doors of stores the information. Cultured Stone Veneer As consumer era, consumers quality, service, lifestyle will put forward higher requirements, wood industry needs to adapt to this demand increase, around the consumer, service issue, the market will be stable and healthy development.
2013 For wooden home industry, the most important thing is to find ways to increase the added value, which is the emphasis on the one hand, the design, through the design to improve the value of the products; hand is heavy service. A wooden brand marketing director, said in 2013 is still the focus of the work is to enhance service through change in marketing strategy and the expansion of new channels, on the one hand to improve the confidence of businesses, on the other benefits to consumers. For example, in 2013 to provide online business platform for the new service to meet the young consumers, while also keeping up with new marketing channels electricity supplier trend. Cultured Stone Veneer manufacturer
Market regulation does not relax in the larger environment, the face of rising nearly saturated Beijing stores, many supermarkets have tried to adjust the industrial chain, to diversify. Jimei Zhao Jianguo, president, said more than a year Jimei adjustment, has been largely in place, this year's focus will be adjusted through a more beautiful image of the store to enhance the industry level. Follett home Lvxin Jie, general manager also said that this year will be more intense competition in the market, the old store some of their own traditional strengths may be due to factors of housing and stores without obvious pattern, structure and brand adjustments will become this year's work. Cultured Stone Veneer installation
A wooden brand also believes that because living contrarian, I believe many doors for the future companies will survive and develop to make adjustments, "I think this year will be more and more of these actions, such as changes in each of the doors of businesses are will find its own direction, and ultimately the entire industry will find their own native mode. "
Identify the market
Experts said that the first half of the overall lack of purchasing power, weak demand situation still exists, but the second half may be increased. Cultured Stone Veneer
Certain doors of the brand responsible person said, the market structure, there are two markets worth doing, one year for the proportion of working-class package products is on the rise, just this year, consumers will continue to be heavy volume. Another high consumption of consumer groups are also amplified, "recession, the rich invest money that will not go up, because the investment does not pay, it may be used to improve the type of consumption, such as decorating their home before buying a house and so on. "
A door enterprises responsible person said that the recent inspection tour of many cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and the western cities, and even some two cities and found that consumers' enthusiasm for decorating their home is still very strong. "I think the doors of the market this year will be a growing market, the main growth points are needed to improve the type of demand, and indeed rigid demand." He said this.

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"Snowball" expansion strategy is the most commonly used small wooden corporate strategy

Target market, "snowball" expansion strategy is the most commonly used small and medium enterprises doors a strategy that enterprises in the existing markets within the same geographical area, take the way to expand within the region, after the exhaustion of a region to another new Regional march expansion strategy. Manufactured Stone Veneer
Small doors of businesses in the capital, such as overall strength of the brand can not reach the height of large doors of businesses, we can imagine, in the possession of the market share of small and medium enterprises are also not work with large wooden doors of comparable companies. Manufactured Stone Veneer Therefore, small and medium enterprises in the marketing strategy doors on the way to take the entire areas, the accumulation of market development, namely "snowball" strategy. Manufactured Stone Veneer supplier
Specifically, such a strategy to expand the target market to a certain area for the enterprise market expansion of the "base" and "home base" for intensive cultivation, the "base" and "home base" market bigger, stronger, so deep, so thoroughly, and become the basis for further expansion of business in the future and backing. Manufactured Stone Veneer manufacturer
In the "base" of the market share of the absolute superiority and absolute stability after as a base and then to the surrounding neighborhood gradually rolling forward, penetration, and finally to achieve "A single spark can start a prairie fire", that is the purpose of occupying the entire market, the formation of snowballing development. Manufactured Stone Veneer installation
Steadily developing practical
"Snowball" market expansion strategy in the existing market, car doors firmly occupied before expanding into new markets around, uphold sound practical philosophy, reaching every step of the goal.
Resources with the slow progress
Start rolling doors of the market is the "base" of the market, "combat readiness" as the basis. Have been bigger and stronger "base" of market profits to develop new markets for the new harvest to provide adequate capital accumulation, "base" marketing practice marketing personnel training to become doors of the "Whampoa Military Academy", which in the doors of market expansion can be continuously talents to the front of the market. Manufactured Stone Veneer
Risk reduction strategies
"Base" of the marketing strategy for marketing practices surrounding area provides a wealth of experience and a good demonstration. Doors of businesses in the full construction of the "base" of the market process, product marketing rules with more research, including the successful experiences and failures. "Base" marketing experience over time naturally become the most valuable in the future expand to the surrounding wealth and capital, marketing mistakes will be further reduced. As the market continues to expand rolling, the doors of the company's "base" of the market, the expansion of the site, these experiences and lessons became more varied, the doors will be more marketing risk is low.

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Competitive market promotion is significant for increasing sales outlets

Channel is the doors of businesses can effectively control the market an important factor. The wooden doors of businesses dealers as one of the channels of the terminal, to strengthen the dealer channel management is to strengthen the construction of the terminal means necessary. On the other hand, dealers closely with wooden manufacturers, but also profit from its premise. Cultured Stone Veneer
For store promotions, this seemingly common form of marketing outlets recently but people dilemma. On the one hand, the highly competitive market environment, sales for stores to enhance sales of more important significance; hand, consumers began to produce antibodies promotion, promotion always have, wood industry has started to become an indisputable fact. Cultured Stone Veneer supplier
Ultimately, promotional homogenization is leading promotional become tasteless one of the most serious problems. Cultured Stone Veneer Specials, buy gifts and sweepstakes stores today three main forms of promotion, many people regard the promotion activities focus on the content and form of innovation, but they ignore the purpose of promotion in the end do what. Doors do promotional activities in stores, only a clear goal, next to the orderly conduct promotional work, the effect is only referenced. Manufactured Stone Veneer
Allow customers to buy more
Allow customers to buy more, that is, when doing promotional wooden stores, customers do not necessarily have to buy the product with the largest profit sharing rate to give, but it's none other related products must be large enough. For example, if a customer purchased a set of wooden doors, wooden products can then give a substantial discount none other; brand alliance if to do so, then the end product is not the biggest profit sharing rate, the more the greater the magnitude of the back-end profit sharing, only so as to ensure that customers of the product portfolio in the league to buy, the more we want to turn to other brands, because the greater the intensity activities more to the back. Manufactured Stone Veneer
None other activities in addition to the intensity of the control, but how to guide customers for high-end products, or the purchase of high-priced products, but also a store promotion techniques. You will find promotional activities directed to buy the majority of customers want to buy cheap, but even those with low consumer groups also know that a sub-price goods truth, unlike wooden products, buy clothes, buy the wrong can regret , wooden products once regret there is no way to buy it. So to guide customers to do high-end product experience, is a high price to customers for promotional methods, such as free use of high-end products, installment and buy high-end products to send related products, value-added services are a good delivery method. Manufactured Stone Veneer supplier
Extended stay customers
Are there any promotional activities to attract customers in the store can stay for much longer it? Seem to have fewer stores through promotional activities to do this thing, more through our store product display, store atmosphere and shopping guide to extend customer service length of stay. If through promotional activities to attract customers to shop for, then such promotional activities are also great gaming experience, product experience like activities. Recent years have an "angry bird" in the chain stores crazy one, only from the online game bird caught by many stores on-site sales staff, played by real bird, customers shopping or spending later on can be used in the hands of a slingshot to fire birds at this time how many people care about whether we can get the award it? Look at the birds hopping look, put the crowd of customers amused laugh, did not few people are willing to leave.
Customers who want to extend their stay in the store, you can increase the number of customers in the store experiential promotional activities, of course, such a promotion and product sales must be associated. As in previous years when the number of outlets for promotional prefer roundabout, when a customer in the rotation dial, many customers are watching, and giving a stir laughter and sighs, many people are gearing up with eager impulse, Such activities are likely to arouse enthusiasm, promotional want is this effect.

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Waterproof Building Materials outlined how proper use

As long as there is construction work place, there must be waterproof material, waterproof coatings more species, depending on the performance of waterproof coating used in the building is a luxurious, today we describe briefly how to properly use reasonable Waterproof Building Materials?
Proper selection and rational use of building waterproof materials
Waterproof material prepared as different varieties and performance, and thus each have different strengths and weaknesses. stone coated metal roofing tile  Also each have the appropriate scope and requirements, especially to promote the use of new waterproof materials, but should grasp this side and knowledge. Proper selection and rational use of building waterproof materials, the key is to improve water quality, but also the design and construction of the premise, this should note the following:
1 material properties and characteristics
Waterproof flexible and rigid materials can be divided into two categories. Flexible waterproof material high tensile strength, elongation, mass is small, convenient construction, but the operation is more stringent technical requirements, puncture resistance and aging resistance as a rigid material. The same is a flexible material, coil for the industrial production. Thickness uniformity, quality is relatively stable, the construction process is simple, high efficiency, but the equipment lap more easily disengaged seams on complex surfaces and uneven grass difficult construction . The waterproof coating its performance and features with just the opposite. The same is the membrane, synthetic polymer membranes, polymer modified bitumen membranes and bitumen membranes also have different advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the choice of waterproof material, you must pay attention to its performance and features.
(2) building features and requirements of the external environment
In the understanding of all kinds of waterproof material properties and characteristics, the structure of the building should be based on the type of waterproof structure forms part of the external climatic conditions and the node (including temperature, humidity, rain, ultraviolet, etc.), the structural form (integral casting or fabricated) and span, roof slope, ground deformation and water-resistant layer is exposed and so decided to adapt the material. stone coated metal roofing tile
3 construction conditions and market prices
In the choice of waterproof material, you should also take into account the construction conditions and market price factors. Such as synthetic polymer waterproofing membrane can be divided into elastomers, synthetic fiber reinforced plastic body and the three categories, not only with different materials, but also a great difference in performance; while also taking into account the material of choice in the local real How to use effect; should also take into synthetic polymer waterproofing membrane with matching binder, construction techniques and other construction condition factor. In the above example waterproofing membrane made selection requirements, the same waterproof coating, sealing materials, there are many varieties, there are also a variety of technical indicators, but their selection is basically the same as described above requirements. Selection of materials in addition to the points mentioned above, beyond, should further consider the ability to adapt to the grassroots waterproof layer deformation.

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Antique brick tiles and what is different performance

1, what is the antique tiles and porcelain tiles?
Antique tiles: Now the general sense refers antique tiles glazed tiles, from embryo and glazed two parts, the surface of the tile embryo glazing, firing through the high temperature and pressure. Mainly in matt antique tiles based. Mentioned herein are referring glazed antique tiles antique tiles. stone coated steel roofing tile
Tiles: after mechanical grinding, polishing, the surface was mirror gloss ceramic tiles, vitrified tile is now commonly known as a polished, it is all porcelain tiles, "glassy" means burning through the tiles !
In accordance with the polished surface polished and matte case can be divided into two types, currently the most common polishing based.
2, two kinds of bricks performance comparison:
Tiles of the main advantage is the hardness, wear resistance, flexural strength, water absorption less. Tiles have an outstanding advantage is that reprocessing tiles with very good performance. Such as slotting, front and back inverted 45 degree angle, side and arc.
3, we present two kinds of bricks Misunderstanding
A, tiles misunderstanding about some aspects mainly:
Myth one: do not slip tiles
In fact, this statement is not correct, tiles non-slip performance is quite good. We can directly step on their feet to try Jiaogan. Try not to add water when the skid resistance test.
Myth: tiles permeability
Because tiles are made of soil embryo, soil material fired at high temperatures, but no matter how high again, then fine grinding grain, but the arrangement of the structure is larger than water molecules, so there will be the possibility of penetration. But now the vitrified tile manufacturers are generally in the factory before they made a stain-resistant treatment, ie the surface of waxed tile, ceramic tile surface can be well closed pores, play a very good antifouling effect . Now we have to say on this issue exaggerated, in fact, far less frightening to imagine. If they do not believe it, we can look at Blue Bell Temple Jing Li ground being paved with tiles, has been two years, and we look at the effect on the know.
Myth: tiles is henselae
Whole body tiles are not necessarily all, now the most common Quintana tiles, such as ultra-white solid brick. Whole body tiles tiles in only a small part. Most are not the whole body. If bleeding flower series, many manufacturers produce ultrafine series and so is not entirely the whole body, and there is no need done completely henselae. Many of which are formed after a number of craft fabric surface texture, but this does not affect the wear resistance of the tiles, but also do not have to worry about the possibility of being worn away. stone coated steel roofing tile
B, antique brick Misunderstanding mainly in the following areas:
Myth one: do not wear antique brick
Antique brick tiles to wear than a lot of difference, but it will not affect the use, in particular the use of home decor, its wear resistance, the fully meet the family's needs.
4, both the environmental performance comparison
Overall, the environmental performance of tiles are quite good. Using national standards are used GB6566-2001. Tiles and rustic tiles performance any different.

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FRP corrosion product structure type definitions and Analysis

In steel, concrete or other substrate surface to prevent production of glass fiber reinforced plastic substrates in the media or the environment under the action of damage or deterioration, known as FRP corrosion. Commonly used FRP corrosion are: FRP Lining, glass flake lining, resin clay brick panels lining, self-leveling epoxy, epoxy powder coating, the substrate coated glass and steelstone coated metal roofing tile

FRP corrosion product structure type:

1, the substrate

Mainly refers to the surface needs to corrosion materials, substrates and materials determine the quality status of anti-corrosion adhesive material selection and quality FRP corrosion.

2, the transition adhesive layer

Mainly used for FRP adhesion to substrates, ensuring FRP shear strength between the substrate concrete and steel surfaces commonly used materials are epoxy resins, vinyl resins.

3, the resin mortar layer

Mainly used to repair defects in the substrate surface layer and improving corrosion resistance fiberglass external load deformation, mainly resin mortar composition of the resin and filler material, filler material commonly used quartz powder, ceramic powder, talc, fumed silica, hollow glass beads and so on. stone coated steel roofing tile

4, fiberglass reinforced layer

Mainly used for coating of fiberglass reinforced and anti-leakage, and improve fiberglass coating mechanical properties are guaranteed to meet site conditions of stress and strain requirements. While strengthening FRP corrosion layer anti-leakage performance.

5, the outer protective layer

Mainly used to resist the external environment and the role of the media, usually by impermeable layers, resin-rich layer. Play an anti-corrosion, anti-leakage effect.

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Water-based paint spray characteristics and requirements

With increasingly stringent environmental standards of performance, environmentally friendly water-based paint as paint has been widely applied and development. As we all interior and exterior paint, metallic paint, car paint, etc. have a corresponding water-based paint products. Currently on the market as a relatively new paint coating, a lot of people for which no proper understanding, we should know more about the characteristics of water-based paint and spray application requirements in order to better use in daily life. stone coated metal roofing tile
1 Introduction waterborne coatings
Any water as a solvent or dispersion medium of paint to do, can be called water-based paint. Water-based coatings include water-soluble paint, water-reducible coating, water-dispersible coating (latex paint) three kinds. Coating is a water-soluble resin is water-soluble film-forming material, polyvinyl alcohol and its various modifications thereof as the representative, in addition to water-soluble alkyd resins, epoxy resins, and inorganic polymer water-soluble resin.
(2) the characteristics of water-based paint
Water-based paint in the manufacturing and construction applications with water as a solvent, the equipment can be cleaned with water; increased solids content, the lower prices; waterborne coatings than solvent-based pigment dispersion is poor, can affect weatherability; surface tension than solvent-based high wettability of the surface of the workpiece, poor distribution, film easy to produce pinholes, craters, bubbles and sagging ills; waterborne coatings water evaporates more slowly than solvent-based coatings, flashing for a long time or need low-temperature baking. The higher the water content of the aqueous coating to be dry and at a temperature below 100 ℃ heat insulation segment, can be baked to substantially removing water; shear forces affect the stability of the water-based paint, in the circulatory system with shear forces in different and there are different viscosity and flow rate.
Water-based paint coating is a relatively new on the market paint, solvent paint respect, as follows:
2.1 The advantage of water-based paint
(1) water-based paint with water as solvent, saving a lot of resources; aqueous coating eliminates the risk of fire during the construction; reduces the pollution of the atmosphere; aqueous coating ether using only a small amount of organic solvent such as low toxicity, improve the working environment condition. Water-based paint in general organic solvents (representing paint) in 10% to 15%, and now has dropped to cathodic electrophoretic coating of 1.2% or less, reduce pollution and save resources for a significant effect.
(2) water-based paint on wet surfaces and wet conditions can be directly coated construction; waterborne coatings on the surface of the material adaptability, coating adhesion.
(3) water-based paint painting tools can be cleaned with water, greatly reducing the consumption of cleaning solvent.
(4) water-based paint electrophoretic coating uniformity and smooth. Flattening good; cavity, welds, edges, edge parts can be coated with a coating film thickness, a good protective; electrophoretic coating has the best corrosion resistance, cathodic electrodeposition coating thick The salt spray resistance up to 1200h.
2.2 Problems aqueous coating
(A) water-based paint on the construction process and material surface cleanliness requirements, because the surface tension of water, dirt, easy to make the film to produce shrinkage.
(2) water-based paint strong mechanical force against the poor dispersion stability, the flow rate through the conduit changes, the dispersion particles are compressed into a solid particle, the coating produced pitting. Requirements pipeline in good shape, the wall defect. stone coated metal roofing tile
(3) water-based paint on a large painting equipment corrosion requires the use of anti-corrosion lining or stainless steel materials, equipment, and high cost. Water pipeline corrosion coatings, metal dissolution, precipitation of the dispersion particles, the coating produces pitting, but also requires the use of stainless steel tube.

Preventive measures for stone formation Bai Hua

We often see that there are some white crystals from stone to flow out of the seams, which is white China. Here, we get to know about the issue on the White China. Stone White China is in the stone surface or at a white powder or caulk sagging phenomenon often occurs in outdoor or water rich place, flowery table, outdoor stairs, exterior caulk the Department. When the stone with a wet method to install, its backfill cement mortar in an alkaline substance such as calcium hydroxide, dissolved out by the amount of water penetration to the stone / surface or caulk inaccuracies, calcium hydroxide and then with the air carbon dioxide or SO2 in sulfuric acid rain compounds react to form calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate, when the water evaporates, calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate crystallization formed on Bai Hua. stone coated steel roofing tile
Bai Hua stone formation factor and water spots similar to a lot of water, alkali metal ions are the causes of white China, where water plays a role destroy with the alkali metal ions dissolved by the capillarity penetrate to the surface of the stone or caulk inaccuracies, further form Bai Hua. Therefore, prevention of water and alkali metal ions penetrate to the surface of the stone or caulk inaccuracies, you can prevent the occurrence of white China.
Measures to prevent the formation of white China are as follows:
First, the stone should be applied prior to installation for protection works (front, five-sided or six-sided, depending on project requirements), to prevent excessive inhalation of stone water to prevent flooding from the stone facade or groundwater sources into the stone beneath the cement mortar, in order to avoid alkali metal ions cement mortar into the stone, causing Bai Hua.
Second, the selection of suitable stone to fill the gap material, and the right to apply for construction method. Good quality caulking materials and facilities for the correct method to prevent the occurrence of caulk at the White China.
Third, in the deployment of cement mortar, the use of low water-cement ratio or add a plasticizer. Reduce excessive moisture to avoid the occurrence of a white China.
Fourth, in the cement mortar adding water repellent, can avoid a lot of water dissolved metal ions are formed on the surface of stone from oozing white China. stone coated steel roofing tile
Fifth, the aggregate selection of pollution, such as to avoid the use of calcium, magnesium, sodium and other ions more sand and avoid mineral groundwater more mixing water, reduce the metal ion source, reducing the chance of white bloom .

New composite plate varieties

1, class ferrocement sandwich panels

It is based on two steel mesh polyurethane, polystyrene, urea-formaldehyde resin foam, lightweight core material such as rock wool or glass wool caught in the middle between two steel wire core material with diagonally across "the" shape wire connected to each other to form a stable three-dimensional truss structure, and then use cement mortar plaster on both sides, or other decorative finishes.stone coated metal roofing tile

Ferrocement sandwich composite plate full advantage of the core material of thermal insulation and light characteristics, but also has the performance of concrete on both sides, and therefore has a wood frame construction flexibility and quality of the concrete surface.

Taber board has good insulation function, with good sound insulation, anti-freeze-thaw resistance, seismic capability and built low power consumption advantages.

2, color steel sandwich panel

Color steel sandwich panel structure is rigid foam or rock wool as core material, glue color pressure on both sides galvanized steel, color steel material which exposed surfaces coated with advanced color plastic coating, it has a good weatherability and corrosion resistance.stone coated steel roofing tile