
Tile industry opportunities challenges the concept to be changed five 2014

Tile industry to develop or do without " innovation " word. In recent years, the rapid development of the real estate world , making the world's production and consumption of ceramic tiles have gained great development , as China tile product varieties and large quantities of good quality , high- middle and low product range , great choice and affordable, world many countries and regions are very popular Chinese tile products , the proportion of Chinese tiles in the international market growing. China in recent years, an unprecedented real estate development , real estate revolves around building wall associated , hugely tile market demand. stone coated metal roofing tile

With Chinese ceramic production technology and the rapid development of technology , outstanding tile market personalized products , product development starts to move towards the high end. Chinese companies are now targeting the high-end tile market , emphasizing the adjustment of product structure and improve value-added products , while also taking into account the overall interests of the industry, through efforts to improve the technological content of products , increase innovation , cultivate independent brands and other measures to achieve sustainable development . Nine are now building on the current state of our domestic network Xiaobian tile industry thinking and summarized, the industry needs to change the five concepts.

First, the " Tile heavy on it ."

All along, the competition in the market are " thick" as a competitive advantage to fight opponents , with people "many like " traditional thinking , causing widespread that " go heavy tile before it , was not cut corners ." In fact , the surface of ceramic tile products are decorative material that is artistic, decorative, surface protection of industrial products , people really used mainly decorative surface effects, as long as the breaking strength and load-bearing capacity of the actual requirements, will be able to full use of ceramic tiles . stone coated metal roofing tile

Relative to the natural stone tiles , with high strength, light weight , aging resistance, corrosion resistance, color consistency , and many other advantages, is fired at high temperatures due to its ability to resist damage tiles of the same thickness is much higher than stone, and the better the sintered ceramic tiles , the higher ability to resist damage , which is different from the natural stone tile prominent place , it does not require natural stone " heavy feeling ."

Moreover , the thicker the tile , the greater the difficulty of sintered products , the same degree of sintering cycle will deteriorate , their ability to resist damage but worse, it is determined tile firing process . In addition to many foreign and thick tile raw materials consumed , reached the required degree of sintering also need to consume more energy , which is not in line with the national policy of the State is a strong advocate of "energy conservation, conserve resources , reduce emissions ," the . Therefore, the ceramic industry to achieve sustainable development , the development of low-carbon , ceramic tile thinning is an inevitable trend , all persons within the industry have called on consumers to social promotion " is not thicker the better tile ", " tiles can be thinner Some of the "especially our sales and marketing staff , as tile cultural communicator must be made to educate consumers " tile thinning " of ideas and knowledge . stone coated metal roofing tile

Second, the " high-end products is Baipi tile "

On the market , tile body " more white the more upscale " has become mainstream , investigate its reason , from the industry itself to mislead the consumer . Retroactive eighties and nineties , imported from Italy , Spain, the foreign high-end tile products, are red billet, consumers are willing to pay high prices to buy used , enjoying the high-end consumer . Into the 21st century, the domestic market is gradually turning Baipi tiles on the market with "white " as a competitive advantage to suppress imported products against competitors , allowing consumers to gradually form a " blank white tile is the high-end products ," the ideas and cognition.

As previously said, the product itself is tiled surface decoration materials, decorative effect is to really play the tile surface layer , the performance as long as the body 's strength , water absorption , such as product standards meet the requirements, and produce color surface layer does not affect the body layer , body is white, red, black and how , after the tiling is completed, who can see the color in the end blank layer. Thus, " the more upscale white tile body more " purely on industry self Zuonie now to change consumer attitudes Baipi Qinan . stone coated metal roofing tile

With dwindling Baipi and depletion of raw materials , along with the policy requires the industry clean production, recycling economy development and utilization of mining resources , tile products must escape from the " white base " of imprisonment, to expand the scope of use of raw materials , make full use of a wide range of sources the red mud , sand , mud and other inferior favor the development of red blank , gray blank tile products , real tile production waste zero emissions. This requires a full range of industry collaboration and cooperation , the needs of enterprise , government and industry associations to guide the formulation from standard policy advocacy and marketing should be widely publicized , in particular the company's sales team , as a cultural communicator tile , should be positive communication and advocacy non Baipi , red blank tile products. Meanwhile, enterprises should make decorative body layer and the surface layer of product design , and gradually improve the quality of products of non- white base , gradually changing consumers ' Baipi "complex.

On the six characteristics of China's stone industry development status

With the reform and opening up China's stone industry usher in a historical period of rapid development, China 's economic development so that the growing needs of the entire community of the stone . In particular, the accelerated development of the past decade, construction, real estate , transportation , etc. , directly stimulating consumer demand for China's stone industry , Chinese stone industry is facing one of the best historical period booming .

First, the market : eating Chinese bowl , watching the pot of the world

China 's long-term bullish market as the economy , and therefore the stone as a building material luxury, will also long-term positive . Expo 2010 is the feast of stone near future , so the Chinese market is still the main battlefield of the stone industry . Meanwhile, the Chinese market after years of development , has gradually matured. From the variety , the high-end market has return to reason, no longer blind pursuit of expensive imported stone , the stone will become a trend in the use of domestic , and therefore emphasizes the quality standard engineering process larger volumes . Uses other than smooth machined surface on the processing method works also increased , highlighting the sense of the natural properties and texture of stone , the pursuit of heaviness and practical. stone coated steel roofing tile

International market because of the good economic development in recent years , the development of stone industry is also very fast , marble development in China, India , Brazil and the Middle East three granite particularly rapid . Middle East, Russia 's market due to soaring oil prices , strong purchasing power , the U.S. market due to the decline in the price of the stone , a lot of market expansion . International market orders and payment due by the laws of the market completely , though low profits, still suitable for a large variety of stone professional stone company to develop , learn and make long-term investments.

Second, the resources : Cautious open source , science throttling

China is rich in stone resources , contains a lot of granite, slate , sandstone and marble . However, the stone is a non-renewable resource , how to effectively utilize limited resources , is placed in front of us serious problems.

The first is the issue of mining : Tower blocks of thousands of mines , located in different provinces , different positions. Maturity mining methods and techniques vary , advanced mining technology , good location mines, waste less , finished product rate , or the use and exploitation of the technology behind the original mine blasting mining , mined ore feed rate of finished bottom , waste serious. Over the years we acquired the mine in the past have found traces of predatory exploitation of serious damage to mining resources , not only affects the volume ratio and also reduce local taxes. From this point of view on the phenomenon , norms exploitation of mines , the introduction of advanced mining technology , the small mining units into a unified , standardized management , integrating the exploitation of resources and mining resources, to reduce waste mining resources is necessary. Hebei Chengde County , Sichuan Miyi , Shandong Rongcheng adopted market leadership bid , worth promoting mining method standardization , in a sense , but also effectively prevent the implicit loss of state assets.

Third, the personnel : stone coated steel roofing tile systematic training professionals dedicated

Stone processing enterprises employing more than 85 % of the staff is secondary and below education level , they are empirical , mostly by way of apprenticeship to go to work . Most business owners over the last stone , do not pay attention to the training, the blind pursuit of efficiency , the pursuit of profit. In previous years, the stone industry is not to scale , profits are more impressive , the quality of talent to cover up the extent of the impact on the industry . In recent years, the rapid development of stone industry , the depth of processing is not limited to the specifications of the product , additional engineering or special products , but unlike in previous years, so a considerable profit , and thus improve the quality of personnel to enhance the technical capacity is especially important. Meanwhile bosses completed the primitive accumulation , employees and the community is willing to return with a means of education .

While Stone is China 's largest export building materials, but not in stone in our theme of professional education , hundreds of thousands of employees could not get the stone professional learning system. Employees do not understand the basic characteristics of the stone , do not know the rational use of material planning , shop drawings will not look , do not understand the impact of various installation methods for stone processing and so on. These will directly affect the quality of the product , the production cycle and the use of the product. Therefore it is necessary to set up the stone of professional disciplines, the stone circles professionals, researchers teacher, combined with the need to create all kinds of basic courses, professional courses , business management course. From theory to practice , from the experience of the standards, from a rational sense , will enhance the quality of the stone to a higher level of employees and regularly organize seminars, exchanges , and further improve the technical level and management level employees.

High group affiliated with the assistance of Xiamen Branch , Xiamen Tongan Purple Star professional education and educational institutions . Opened in 2005, the first stone of China's engineering college classes, workers are encouraged to register , 80 places is not enough , this year will start the second phase . Power companies is limited, and therefore wants the state to offer undergraduate , correspondence , self-study and other types of stone professional courses , to promote the healthy development of stone industry .

Fourth, the management : stone coated steel roofing tile quality first , the establishment of standards

Consistency and rationality of stone products quality standards is one of the key sectors for survival, as the stone industry has also introduced a number of quality standards, but really fully play the role of product quality control and product quality assurance and promotion yet. The vast majority of today's standards only as a reference , the future of China's stone to move towards more places in the world , and our standards are recognized by the world ? Let alone China 's stone industry production process there is no industry standard , so we should renovation of product quality control , process guidance and standardization of products , production equipment , standardized and scientific efforts in enterprise management, enterprise integration of various categories of resources , to achieve the development of standardization , industrialization, industrialization, to really promote the product quality assurance and improvement.

Fifth, the industrial chain : green industry , in-depth development

China's stone industry is more pure processing plant , pure trade , mining and other forms of pure existence , only a handful of large enterprises to adopt a set of stone mining, production and processing and sales business model, but these are limited to a few stone enterprise "alone " , it can not constitute a chain. Range is particularly wide stone industry chain , related to mining, stone early processing , stone processing , stone processing waste recycling , selling stone , stone processing materials production and sales, Stone production and sales of protective materials , stone installation stages of development and sales, engineering stone production and sales of ancillary products , stone mining and production equipment decoration design and construction , stone works of maintenance and management, and logistics and transportation . Therefore, China should integrate production, integrated marketing, integration of resources, integrated management, accelerated industrialization , industrialization, the formation of the industrial chain, promoting the growth and improvement of stone industry. stone coated steel roofing tile

As the stone industry , whether it is mining sludge and other material not forming or processing enterprises out of the corners more than expected and initial processing enterprises produced , under the premise of no reasonable deal , will cause great damage to the environment . Now do not forming part of the material has been produced by mines or companies or odd bits made ​​of sand play reuse, and initial processing enterprises has still not completely sludge handling , processing enterprises to become a heart disease . Some companies try to brick with stone processing sludge generated , but the results were not particularly evident in the treatment process to go through complicated multi-channel processes , technology is not mature enough to be further improved and perfected.

Most wastewater stone processing enterprises have not been adequately addressed directly discharged , causing great damage to the ecology , the surrounding crops can not grow , in addition, the noise generated by the surrounding residents also caused a great impact . These are all factors in the stone processing enterprises to fully develop a better location constraints . Therefore, based on the need to consider the establishment of more and bigger stone processing park, the layout of the stone processing enterprises to locate and establish supporting waste treatment facilities , effectively centralized waste treatment , will be more conducive to the development of enterprises and the protecting the environment .

Six tree Brand: regulate the market , the creation of brand

Chinese stone industry to move towards faster development path , but also in foreign countries to establish benchmark companies , the creation of brand-name products , take the fine roads . Brand in terms of an enterprise is crucial , and should therefore make great efforts to protect and assist the group, the scale of large companies create a brand name , training and encourage small businesses , not large scale enterprises to take an associate , industrialization , professional development of roads , rectification and removal is not trustworthy, poor product quality , disturb the market order business. Especially some export companies , at the expense of the environment and the cost of transportation overweight , get unreasonably low-cost, low-priced exports , leading to foreign anti-dumping , seriously affecting the entire industry .

Although the stone needs to upgrade every year , year after year scarce resources and innovative , the product has been placed in front . Therefore, a reasonable adjustment stone market , leverage resources , strengthen management , and promote and encourage product innovation, resource utilization, industry structure , product differentiation and innovation, and so it is particularly important . Seek more alternatives , such as artificial stone, after the thin plate and other decorative building materials stone surface treatment effect and can be durable materials . Integration of product structure, the development of new uses and achieve recycling unwanted materials small size , lack of supplementary resources each year . Also need to increase the intensity of innovation in equipment management. Some companies can clearly recognize it as Fujian river stone , on Haita star, Conley and Universal Guangdong , Shandong and Yutong first Tamasawa strengthen international science and technology cooperation, the introduction of foreign advanced machinery and equipment related to or learn from foreign advanced technology, implementation sustainable Development Strategy : from the original pit mining , blasting process modification is stepped mining, cutting wire saws and other machinery advanced technology ; eliminate backward production, accelerate the construction of a modern stone enterprises , enhance their market competitiveness and improve enterprise management level.

2014 price trend analysis of stone

Stone include culture stone , marble , granite , etc., but also includes two natural culture stone culture stone and artificial stone culture . Various types of stone because of its color, production process, the texture is different, there is a big difference in price . stone coated metal roofing tile

Culture stone used for interior decoration locally

Modeling and diverse culture stone , different colors , and more for the local interior decoration , such as the living room TV wall decor , wrought iron heating cover embossed around the shape, or the courtyard ground handling , decorative effect close to nature , reflecting the ancient decorative style. Artificial culture stone which is made from natural culture stone made ​​after reprocessing , lighter weight , non-toxic , no mildew , easy installation features , suitable as wall topical treatment , reduce the loading capacity of the wall , the prices are more natural and cultural Stone expensive, by the joint venture manufacturers of brand, price is generally 300 yuan / box above , if it is imported stone brand, price will be higher , up to about 1000 yuan / box . The natural culture stone much cheaper price , the price is generally around 120-130 yuan / square meter. Consumers can buy a purpose according to their economic capacity and needs. stone coated metal roofing tile

The second half of 2013 the price trend analysis of stone

Marble color determines the price

Marble has always been solid texture, colorful loved by the people . One consumer said buy marble , marble, solid color , large range of options, you can choose one or several different colors with the use of decorative effect , there is a sense of luxury . But said the selection of marble is a hassle , because the same colors natural marble existence of color , so when you want to buy businesses to the warehouse to pick with a block . In order to avoid too much color , undermine the overall decorative effect. stone coated steel roofing tile

Marble color or decide an important factor in the price . According to businessmen , the color of marble for its unique mineral less, so the price is expensive. Color similar to the color of the marble ore prices are generally about 100 yuan / square meter , while the same specifications of red, black , green marble , the price is between 300 yuan / square meter to 500 yuan / square meter.

Artificial marble stone is a new trend of development

Currently on the market are mostly marble natural marble , there is a color difference between the color with marble , heavy weight , large area for indoor decoration , it will increase the load-bearing building body , but also there may be harmful substances in natural marble . Recent artificial marble effectively to market to solve these problems , according to businessmen , artificial marble reprocessing powder made ​​from natural marble , the hardness, gloss and abrasion resistance are better than natural marble , artificial marble color, texture and delicate , lighter weight , color and radioactive material does not exist between the same color stone . However, due to the artificial marble imported from abroad, the higher the price per square meter is about $ 700, and a single model , can only do surface decoration . stone coated steel roofing tile

Stone testing standards and methods of radioactive material

In the state promulgated the "natural stone products Radiological Protection Classification Control Standards ", the equivalent concentration of radium by stone , the stone radioactivity into the A, B, C categories , A class for home decoration , Class B for other decorations the interior decoration, class C can only be used outside the building finishes everything . According to the authorities the latest test results show that low levels of radioactivity marble , granite radioactive relatively high. Emission levels of most of the stone to meet the standard requirements , suitable for home decoration .

There are a variety of stone radioactive detection methods commonly used and simple method is to use a Geiger counter , can be applied to chemical analysis in addition , the calculated combination of physical methods. Experts advise consumers , manufacturers would like to ask when buying a radioactive product certification, the stone has been used for the consumer , may be , contact the Department of Radiation Protection , Beijing, Peking University Environmental Technology Testing Center , experts do stone radioactive standard test .


2014 market trends is a diversified growth companies to devise strategies doors

2013 , is the doors of businesses extraordinary year . This year, as consumers are mature and rational, market differentiation . Internet age , the language of communication with consumers store also has a new meaning. In this context , the domestic brands doors clutching consumer trends , providing high-quality wooden products , but also to create a more experiential marketing campaigns. stone coated metal roofing tile

It is December 2013 , and many brands are on the doors of businesses next year to make a forecast of the market , the overall market is optimistic about next year 's estimate , and that it is growing , diversified market .

stone coated metal roofing tile European style and Chinese style mash sought

First, the Chinese people are now becoming more and more confident , except after spending European and American style wooden products , actually showed a plot against the return of traditional Chinese culture . This regression needs expressed in more and more products will also have elements of things in Europe , but also has elements of traditional Chinese wooden doors a lot of things . The combination of these two elements , mix and match type of demand will be the main style next year .

stone coated metal roofing tile High-quality wooden doors and custom class is the direction

A wooden door business leaders said all of the work in 2014 the company actually needs to do around the market , in 2014 the market may have some new demand , say Chinese people are getting rich, it is a fact. Consumers will be spending more and more money to those things ? He believes the demand of high quality wooden doors and custom class needs direction in 2014 will be the doors of consumer demand.

stone coated metal roofing tile Personalized and diversified trend doors

After the doors of consumers now have money , there is a feature that is very pursuit of individuality, but also the very pursuit of diverse things. Insiders predict that next year something more custom class , or something like designer style , will be sought after by the market . These new requirements will also become an important business to do service orientation .

Conclusion : Industry experts predict that in 2014 and 2013 the industry would like to be a positive industry , but also a growing market , and is a diversified market , which will become the main tone of the market in 2014 . The so-called "Know thyself, ever-victorious ," the doors of domestic enterprises to master the necessary psychological needs of consumers better in the coming year , in order to chip away defeat , winning thousands of miles away .

Analysis: 2014 Chinese wood industry what will be the status quo

2014 is coming, doors and other home building industry brands have the unknown future with hesitation. As a real estate downstream industry , wood industry must always pay attention to the development trend of the property market . So , who are particularly concerned about the wood industry , 2014 China 's economy will go in which direction ? Chinese real estate market will go in which direction ? Chinese wooden home in the future are going to be what kind of status quo ? Following industry experts made ​​a detailed analysis .

stone coated metal roofing tile industry had to focus on in order to develop real estate

Through three decades of reform and opening up , China's economy to achieve a GDP growth of China and the Chinese people 's consumption , to the center of the stage to the housing . However, regardless of what country suppress the real estate , who now also get away this , in some ways , we are still in the land of our GDP to real estate can not be centered , but not this run . Maybe our generation , our life, if you want to have a career , career trying to be , or want to become rich, and may still be around real estate , which we do not have doubts .

stone coated metal roofing tile Tyrant Golden Gate stage will end enterprise to adjust the structure

Take a popular words, our previous years of reform and opening process from scratch is a manifestation of a process from scratch GDP , a wealth process from scratch , Chinese domestic industry front doors along the Tyrant Kim process behind from now , I think from 2013 , the entire economic structure will shift to innovation , to expand domestic demand, in order to enhance the quality of the results of the GDP , which is the Tyrant gold stage will end . We do not believe , what to see fight , fight luxury, heroic fight , and now find more time to develop the opportunity particularly in terms of design , particularly in the cultural development of the whole structure of the Chinese economy will restructure , we had never to there , from there to now is a quality improvement, quality improvement process GDP . In such a process there , we have to consider what to do development.

stone coated metal roofing tile enterprise technology business model change to progress

Changes in economic growth , GDP growth, a lot of things , business models , many with advances in technology are related. Now electricity supplier , electricity supplier had said was called a little more accurate electronic business , and that the arrival of Taobao how to deal with it this business ? Maybe some people say that I am engaged in high-end, bothered to make electricity supplier . Some people think that home building is semi-finished products such as doors , behind the need to install , requires delivery , to install , but also after-sales service , so the electricity supplier is not, this is a wrong understanding . Electricity suppliers to do the low-end , so popular , so standardized products , are wrong understanding.

stone coated metal roofing tile Peaking estate industry to adjust their doors

The peak years of the real estate front , doors domestic industry during the peak period has passed, to be honest, after ten or twenty years , and then to maintain the current growth in real estate development from the original , this era has passed , that the market will finance from the rapid growth to steady or declining growth process, which certainly will . That perhaps someone on the inside to be left behind in this process , if we do not take the initiative to adjust themselves , like in the total demand for real estate or home industry overall demand growth remains inside the original ten percent , twenty , originally said that China 's domestic industry there are more than ten trillion trillion two dozen were many this amount , we do not have this hope. China 's real estate if we continue such heights , in fact, to our economy, which is sad , we hope to slow economic growth , decline and maintain peace over the whole economy. Chinese real estate bubble or not to be a big burst , winter , and certainly with the market economy operate about , it is very important to adjust .

2014 is coming , brand doors of businesses how to achieve good results in the future? Industry experts said that in the next year , the doors of the brand companies want from small to something big stage is more important than managing the operational phase , many now consider the management of major , have a team , to have the corporate culture , to have the service , there must be conservation, management phases stronger . Finally is the corporate governance structure. Doors companies in the development , corporate governance issues to be considered in advance . After a good corporate governance structure , possible future capital operation , listed heritage might be .

Western tile design ideas Secret 2

Respect designs become the norm

Famous Italian design company STYL-GRAPH in the " Valley of tile " Sassuolo ceramic producing areas, the Italian leader in the field of ceramic design , with a world-class team of designers . Italian newspaper reporter during business trips , once to visit the company , not the most impressive of those high-end devices or innovative technology , but they treat the design attitude. The company's chairman , Antonio Mauri (Maurizio Cavagnari) briefed reporters on the company's designers , there was no use "designer" ( designer ) , but with "artist" ( Artist ) , also called the design " art " This shows a high degree of respect for design and designers. stone coated steel roofing tile

STYLGRAPH never urged designers do not need them to dusk, day and night , but to give them plenty of time and space inspired , be creative . Because the origin of the hair itself is where the designer , Antonio believes that design is an art , you need a wealth of creativity , if subject to the limitations and depression, inspiration is difficult to release , in that case , even within the stipulated time were forced to complete the task, ideal creative work is difficult , it not come to naught.

In addition to providing enough freedom and respect in terms of time outside , there are creative ways unique. Simple modifications in the plant , STYLGRAPH designers in wood or resin plate hand-painted patterns. Mauri , Antonio said they were designed to be carried by hand on a purely creative material , compared to the cold computer graphics , such works are more temperature , more soul. stone coated steel roofing tile

This does not belong to a special case in Italy, both in the ceramic industry, or other industries , people are invariably express their respect to the design in different ways . IED students during a visit design studios and showrooms previous works outstanding graduate students , the school's product design professor Giacomo (Giacomo) told reporters that this is outstanding graduates of previous creative gathering place , school showcase these works , one is show respect for the designer , the other is the later student motivation.

stone coated steel roofing tile Unbounded creative design exchange

On each tile bathroom exhibition in Bologna, Italy , and Valencia, Spain tile bathroom exhibition designer has become a fixed group, they will capture the popular elements in the development of these large tiled bathroom , a reference for the next design. Spain DNRT design industrial designer Daniel (Daniel) told reporters that a large tiled bathroom exhibition in Europe and America for their capture tile trends is very important, often these events will provide a steady stream of inspiration for them. In addition, he believes in the concept and elements are interoperable between different industries , especially for the ceramic industry , the study of the various trends of textile , furniture and home decor designer tile industry is compulsory lesson .

Anna engaged in tile design very much agree with Daniel 's point of view. She believes that the textile and furniture industries for their research tile trends are very important, such as color , texture, and other popular elements are interconnected . They will be done before the creation of a market research program designed to understand the popular elements of various industries through the exhibition , magazine , book , etc., together with the surrounding environment into consideration, at least to finally get ahead of a two-year design. stone coated steel roofing tile

As is located in the fashion tip , IED 's fashion design is also very famous. According to David Alessi that introduced many of the best students of the profession each year can get a variety of opportunities to participate in the world famous Milan Fashion Week , including fairs, fashion shows and competitions. Through these activities, students not only get a variety of opportunities to practice , you can also thorough understanding of the entire system and the latest fashion trends . More importantly, these latest trend information and experiences can be shared and exchanges between different professions, so that interior design students also benefit.

Western tile design ideas Secret 1

In the ceramic industry , China is no doubt that natural tile manufacturing country , but it comes to tile design , but had to look into the title of " design power" of Italy and Spain. In particular, called the world's first exhibition in Bologna, Italy tiled bathroom (CER-SAIE), always, every year attracts many of the industry's elite from around the world to visit and learn, because there, endless creativity and endless design never disappointing . To approached the western tile design , excavation of which is worth learning place , the reporter interviewed renowned design schools in Italy and Spain, and excellent designers to understand the West through their tile design style.

stone coated steel roofing tile "Academic" focus on creative inspiration

In Italy and Spain , design schools and colleges is the cradle of cultivating excellent architectural designer , continue to provide new force field of ceramic design , many of the best -known designers are graduated from these institutions , such as the European Institute of Design (IED), Madrid Higher technical School of architecture (ETSAM) and so on . stone coated steel roofing tile

Located in the "fashion capital" IED Milan is Italy's leading design schools , interior design is the most popular professional school student population is about twice of other professions . Rimini on the 2012 International Ceramics Fair (TECNARGILLA 2012) Design Awards , created by students from the IED , " new ceramic kitchen" brings together the unlimited creativity , unique design won the crowd eye.

An excellent designers, we must first understand fashion , learn to catch the trend. For the understanding of fashion , IED trainer David Alessi that (Davide Alesina) said that fashion is not just about tiles , clothing, accessories or jewelry product itself , more important is an attitude, a state of mind A language , through a simple breath , or the color of things around , logo and passers-by look , etc. , you can search for traces of fashion . "Under this concept , IED focuses on guiding students to learn how to create a personalized way , to capture the fashion trends , inspiration and ideas to get rich , to improve their stone coated steel roofing tile design sensitivity , autonomy and independence , and they are not taught how to design and what design . " David Alessi believes that cultivate excellent designers, should" teach him to fish "rather than" teach him to fish . "

IED is an international design schools, there are about 1,800 students each year from around 92 countries , as well as more than 200 companies in cooperation with the school , students' practical ability to help students put their ideas into reality. Nowadays , more and more Chinese students are attracted to come to school . " Italy is the birthplace of fashion itself , creativity everywhere, even in their genes already present inside . IED as a design college, her sense is to stimulate students' creativity, teach them how to express these ideas through the design of the soul , Chinese students come here , you can design and fusion of Chinese and Western concepts and methods to stimulate new ideas, may bring some unexpected design . " David Alessi that think so. stone coated steel roofing tile

From Spain Ana (Ana) tile design has been engaged for more than 15 years , is now well-known designer color glaze companies Fluke (FERRO) company in Foshan . Anna is in college studying ceramics technology , after graduation has been engaged in tile design work, never left the field of design . She said her knowledge of university life is good enough , although after work can be exposed to more new things , but the habit each year devoted a period of time , return to campus to "recharge" learning trends in order to get new inspiration and creativity . Even now Nagai China for three years, she also insisted the case.